We need a third party if this country is to survive !! Right now - TopicsExpress


We need a third party if this country is to survive !! Right now we have two treasonous parties in the same bed and they are killing us. The American public, sucks for not revolting against a government run by tyrants and two treasonous parties ??? How long will the working people of America put up with the insane traitors that are running this country into the ground? The working people are being taxed to death to pay for everyone else who wants to live off them and the traitors are more than happy to give them what you work for. How stupid can a people be to allow this to go on as they take your hard earned money and give it to everyone in every corner of the world yet you do nothing about it ?? Your Constitution trashed, your freedom of speech almost gone, you gun rights almost gone, your PRIVACY IS GONE and soon everything else will be gone including your life savings as both treasonous parties are killing the golden goose and where are the people , where is the outrage ?? where is the revolt already ?? As far as Im concerned this country is divided in half like the north and the south only the names have changed and we are living amongst each other . The new names are liberal and conservative and the country is ready for a battle because one wants to keep America and the other wants to destroy it. I say lets have at it already and stop the SLOW CANCER AND THE PAIN ITS CAUSING TO MANY PEOPLE !! Half the people of this country have had enough and are getting very restless to deal with a group of ( 545 ) traitors parading themselves around as democrats and republican. Civil war is very close as you have two treasonous parties doing everything that is against the Constitution of this country. WHERE IS THE MILITARY ALREADY ??? IM WAITING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The insanity of a people to let traitors running a country ruin their lives and country when it is the DUTY of a people to revolt when the tyranny of the people running government super-cedes the best interest of the people of that country for the interests of their own !!! All of them ,,traitors and a clear and present danger to America, both parties are treasonous to this country as show by the shape this country is in. Do you think it possible to ruin a country as strong, as rich , as free, as powerful as loved as the United States of America by ACCIDENT ????? If you do than please tie your tubes or get a vasectomy !!! Thanking you in advance because you offspring would be to stupid to help this country !!! Where is the military already, or the true Americans ??? NO REVOLT NO CHANGE. THIS COUNTRY WILL NOT BE DESTROYED BY PEOPLE WHO DO EVIL THINGS , BUT BY PEOPLE WHO WATCH AND DO NOTHING !!!!!!! We cannot be afraid, we are at a time in the history of this country and your lives whether you want to be free from the tyranny of the traitors running government for the last 100 years and please dont blame the government as it is the people you KEEP ELECTING , we have the best form of government on the planet even though it is suppose to be a Republic and not a democracy ! Want to know what is wrong with this country ,,,, THANK THE VOTERS OVER THE LAST 100 years. They keep voting for liars, thieves, criminals and traitors and are happy to do so and even get excited about it.. UFB .... We are at the apex of TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION ! Since 1913, the two house are suppose to pass bills. All bills should be for the betterment of the country and THOUSAND upon THOUSANDS have been passed. Take out SS and Medicare and name me JUST 10, bills where you could stand up and yell, THAT IS GREAT FOR ME AND THE COUNTRY !!!! Go ahead Ill wait. I rest my case !...! I would just like to say that I have more respect for the Egyptian people than I have for the Americants (Americans). Their pres morsi lied to them about everything then got into office and tried to change the articles of the country ( constitution ) and take over like obama and be a dictator along with all his other traitors ,,, BUT, the Egyptian military said BULLSHIT, the people said BULLSHIT and dragged him and all his traitors out of the presidents palace in chains, wow I respect that they have such love for their Constitution and wont allow traitors to ruin their country with lies !!!!,Why doesnt the military grab this fker like they did to his brother morsi ??? One of the most REVERED Presidents in this countries history is telling every American that this is what the Constitution is all about. Kennedy is telling you that your rights to freedom shall not be infringed and it is your obligation to continue what our forefathers fought and died for and not allow the death of America by traitors from the inside parading around as democrats and republicans !! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151901574162740
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:29:40 +0000

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