We need a visionary Leader 2015! A visionary leader has to tell - TopicsExpress


We need a visionary Leader 2015! A visionary leader has to tell and show Nigerians strategies to harness our sun for solar, wind, hydro and biomass to add up to the gas to generate the 200,000 MW we need by 2030 from the current 4000 MW we generate to provide electricity to more than 80% of Nigerian households without electricity access and how to mobilize the fund to expand the grid which will start collapsing at 5,500 MW A visionary leader show tell and show Nigerians the strategies to diversify our economy from oil to avoid devaluing of our currency when anything happens at the international market. We need to develop a cluster economy, is working in China, India, Israel even USA, it can work better in Nigeria. We need a leader that will evaluate the potentials of each state and in partnership with the state government set up the states as the hub of their area of advantages. We need a leader who will revive and strengthen our automobile industry and mandate global automobile manufacturers to set up their plants in Nigeria with strategic polices. We need a leader that will create programs, policies and platforms that will tap into the pool of human capital in Nigeria to transform our service and creative industries. A visionary leader should be able to tell and show Nigerians how we can deploy the vast of our fertile lands to growing food for the world. A visionary leader should be able to tell and show Nigerians the strategies to call the public servants, civil servants and secret servants to order. Strategies to strengthen our public institutions. Strategies to monitor, evaluate and control what is going on in our educational sector starting from the regulatory authorities down to the management of specific institutions, schools and associations. These are our priorities and these should form the basis on which we chose our leader. How I wish that Nigeria will make history by being the first country in the world to reject the aspirants imposed on them by the political parties who can not articulate or show us their plans to meet our priorities as Nigerians. Its quite unfortunate and heart bleeding that politicians have succeeded in shifting the attention of the masses from the real issues on ground to cheap religious and personality talks even the so-called elite youths are also at the verge of deception. Nigerian youths what do we really want? PDP, APC or to get our national challenges fixed? If the later is what we want lets take a stand and start campaigning for that, if the aspirants from those party can not tell and show their strategies then we have to look else. Someone said we are trapped by those parties in a forum and I responded that we will be trapped as long as we have refused to take a stand and stop playing religious, tribal and ethnic polities and start demanding for fixing the issues on ground to enable us and our children to have enabling environment to compete in the globalized digital landscape. Nigerian youth what do we really want? Every elite youth that I know in this country has at least a network of 1million members either directly or indirectly based on my calculation, what are we doing with these networks, just to gather them and talk? Im sorry the season of talking is over, we have to engage these net workers into right actions except we want to talk away the future of our kids just as they have almost talked away our own future by telling us that we are leaders of tomorrow that never comes. Enough of using the ambigous words like corruption to deceive us, for God sake what on earth is corruption if not a mirage and political scheming. Thieves, murderers, fund looters and wasters have gone free by hiding under the mirage of corruption. Its time we youths stand up and call things by their names and provide tangible supporting evidences to get the offenders to face the justices. Nigerian youths what do we really want? By Divine Freeman
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:37:08 +0000

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