We need act of kindness, and care even for people we dont know, - TopicsExpress


We need act of kindness, and care even for people we dont know, God is encouraging us to do so, hospitality, the good Samaritan... But as human and even more as Christians, we should go further than becoming good guys and doing one time act of love that ripple randomly through space-time... We should be a wave of love, full time love... What do I mean ? This add was made by a charity organization, and emphasize the one time buying act of love, the principle is great and we should always be ready to do random act of love, heal a wrong situation, a one time act, repairing wrong a wrong effect... But it is just not Charity business for the maker of the ad, a Capitalist way to love, and feel good. What God ask us is not only to be a good Samaritan once, but to respect him all the time. Understand what I am saying, if the nice man in the story was a bankster, which everyday job, was putting families in financial trouble? How God would see is one time act of love when hundreds were suffering from is usual behavior, is work pattern. That is the problem, God is not asking us to be good one time Samaritan , to be Charitable, God is asking us to be Christ like, Christ was not just a good Samaritan, a charity giver, Christ was dealing with the root cause of the problems (while healing the effects) So should not the elders be taking care globally in our society ? Instead of depending on random acts of kindness... Charity is a Capitalist business that most of all, make the giver feels good about himself, but God is asking us to love fully, we dont own nothing in this earth, remember that. It is lend to us by God. Understand me, its OK to do acts of kindness, but let it not be an excuse to forget to be the rest of the time what God wants to be and do. Capitalism is an excuse, ownership is an excuse, charity is an excuse to not live like Christ; the kingdom of Christ will not be Capitalistic, profitable, with charity organizations, merchandised, financial, etc... Elders will not have to tell to their grandchildren we are too poor... Now think what kind of world, of kingdom, Christ would set up? Just like in this ad? Change yourself, see the world like Christ...
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:18:23 +0000

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