We need always to be aware of Shadow Warriors (A name that Chuck - TopicsExpress


We need always to be aware of Shadow Warriors (A name that Chuck Norris came up with - it is in his biography, I read it when I first started martial arts), people who try to goad us into fights and arguments, they gossip, they cause trouble, and they push and push trying to get something done, but in such a way that they stay in the shadows like the cowards that they are and they never get hurt. They dont ever face their opponents, they do their dirty work from the shadows where they wont be seen by their enemies. They use scare tactics, ongoing arguments mixed with truths and lies to convince the gullible to defend them or to do their dirty work. They convince the weak-minded and gullible to believe in their falseness and their so-called honour, while deep inside they laugh at the gullible persons ongoing constant belief in their lies. And when they have goaded the gullible to do their dirty work, the gullible get the blame for all the wrongs done, while the shadow warrior walks away with a big smile of accomplishment on their face. We have all known shadow warriors in our lifetime. We have been hurt by them and if we allow them to work on us again they will once again cause us trouble and strife and once again we will be hurt again. Wisdom comes with experience to those who are willing to recognise when they were being fooled in the past, and pushed into situations and things that they dont want to do. Shadow warriors are very good at arguments and convincing people to do things against their better judgment, and their own common-sense or beliefs. We must always stand very strong against shadow warriors, and we must be wary of their tactics. Do realise that like all bad people shadow warriors do come from families and they may even be in your own family. Open your eyes and accept the facts for what they are, and accept the real truth for what it is. If you find that you are being pushed into something by someone please stop, step back, and then look more closely at the person who is trying to push you. If, to you, it does not feel right for you then dont do it. And then forget the persons arguments (they may be a better arguer than you, more practice etc) and think about what that person may gain from pushing you when you have already made it clear that you dont feel good about doing it, think about this persons character and all that you have known about this person (Family or friend etc). If they are honest and honorable they will be kind and patient with you and leave you to make the best and right changes for your life when you feel ready. If they are not then they will push and push. Wonder if they have their own personal agenda behind all that pushing, is that the real power behind their pushing? Shadow warriors often believe the lies that they tell after a while. They say the same lies over and over again convincing themselves that there has to be some truth in them. They are experts at what they do. That is why they can sound or seem so truthful and convincing. They love the game of making fools of people and getting their own way, even revenge etc. Be wary, careful and smart enough to keep away from them. They have their own path and their own future, you have yours. The first wise step is to stop listening to them, then make some big space between your life and theirs All the best from James M Sandbrook.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 23:15:42 +0000

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