We need to ask our politicians about the Lima Agreement, what does - TopicsExpress


We need to ask our politicians about the Lima Agreement, what does it mean for the lives of Australian citizens? Exactly what does Globalism mean? Equal slavery for all except the privileged? The Lima Agreement was signed in the 70s. The Lima Agreement linked us in with the power elites to create a level playing field We want a debate about this, we want Australians to know what it means and why it was signed. There is a lot of very clever rhetoric around. I can never understand what they are actually saying and whether they are saying anything at all. Who would love to hear some intelligent debate about our future? I hear that concerned citizens recently attended Parliament and were removed by the SWAT team for listening to the debate about the right to protest? We were told they were loud and antagonistic, a reading of their blog says otherwise. Today the Public Response team clapped protesters in handcuffs for making public their disquiet about road privatisation, destruction of parkland and communities and lack of priorities for public transport. ( The tunnel link ) Have you seen the extraordinary massive increase in housing density by the building of apartments in Melbourne, the congested roads and trains, the shocking air quality? And what on earth is the public response team? Do tax payers fund this or is it a private police force? Are they employed to protect the public, or to protect power elites? Is this Australia? Is our quality of life improving? Are our children living in an exciting/innovative/respectful society? Can you be sure you will have a job tomorrow? Are we kind to migrants ( which most of us are ) and do we care that Aboriginal people still suffer so much? Do we have any time for our children and have faith that they will have a chance at finding joy and meaning in life? Why do we have to become dependent on Multinationals for everything? Do they have the peoples best interests at heart? We need a SUMMIT full of the intelligent, respectful, caring and hard working Australian citizens. Lets hear from our Firefighters, farmers, tradesmen/women, mothers, teachers, ambos, nurses, students, carers,doctors,young people, our elders,shopkeepers, children, migrants, country people, street people,air line pilots, footballers, musicians and artists,publicans TO NAME A FEW. Us ordinary folk . And in ordinary language that we can understand. And ask our elected representatives whose agenda they are representing?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:00:54 +0000

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