We need to boycott ASDA - this is disgusting Yousaf Mahmood I am - TopicsExpress


We need to boycott ASDA - this is disgusting Yousaf Mahmood I am writing this open statement in regards to the Colne ASDA work placement I was put on by the job centres workfare which I was treated horridly on but before I even get on to that I will bring light to how ASDA Colne are making the unemployment situation worse and misusing tax payers money. ASDA has at least 10 free workers (the ones I’ve met, there maybe more) who “might get a job” at the end of it. My shift was 24 hours a week unpaid and the minimum wage for someone of my age is £5.13 per hour, basically they saved £123.12 per week by having me work for free rather than paying someone to do the exact same job but there was 10 of us. So how much are they profiting per week using the workfare scheme instead of paying workers? £1231.01 per week that is a lot of money not being paid out and on top of this the job centre pay ASDA Colne a sum of money for every work placement they take on, that money comes from British tax payers pockets. So while everyone are blaming immigrants and Muslims for everything wrong in this country ASDA Colne are destroying jobs and being paid by British tax payers to have slaves in their stores. No wonder its such a cheep place to shop! Ive not even started on my experience there and I bet you’re already fuming, so lets get into that! Within the first few days of my work placement a paid worker began spreading bad gossip about me like a high school student, maybe it was to make Asda get rid of me to get his hours back which I can understand but that doesnt mean to say I respect him for it. This worker complained to the covering team leader telling him that I had told customers to shop at Morrison’s which was not true. I then over heard him conversing with other colleges about this again, he said “That guys a legend, he told customers to shop at Morrisons.” I called him out on it and told him to stop lying about me, the grown man then put his arm around me and walked me towards the public sector of the store saying “lets settle this like men.” This will be on the stores CCTV cameras as they are located where the incident happened. I went to see the cover in section leader about this issue but was instead confronted by a store manager known as Billie Jo who did not listen to anything I had to say but instead supported the colleague who was bullying me stating “Abbas is a great worker, not a confrontational person.” Guessing that means if I was a good worker I can nick a Kit Kat from their shop floor, bring my dog to work and maybe show my bottom to the customers, as long as I’m a good worker! Billie Jo also told me I was the one who was acting unacceptably and should go home early. After that I decided I was going to record things that happened on my phone for evidence but my battery drained with files not saved unfortunately. (That’s why I was on my phone for half a second to the team member reading this) If I’m totally honest I don’t think putting evidence forward to Billie Jo would have made a difference as she has made it clear she doesnt value the unpaid workers who are bringing the store at least £1231.01 a week as well as the payment received from the job centre. The point it became clear she didnt regard us was the last day I worked there. On Sunday the 21st of December I came into work an hour early (11 am) and worked up until roughly four o clock, at that time all members of the grocery department was called into the warehouse to be given instructions on what to do. After instructions was given Billie Jo kindly told all the paid workers to go for a tea break, then gave a dirty look to me and the rest of the work placements and told us to “get back to work, you’re not entitled to a tea break” So the workers who aren’t getting paid are not allowed to eat or get a drink before working? I feel that’s a breech of human rights and if you want to bring in the legal laws on how much time an employee is entitled to be on a break for just remember we are not employee’s but placements who are not being paid and if I was actually an employee I should have at least got a five minute break at this point as I was on a six hour shift and had already taken a fifteen minute break at 1 pm, if I was working I’d be entitled to five minutes more and the fact that I wasnt is illegal and they were enough placements in the room needed to back me up as witnesses to this offence. 20 seconds or twenty minutes it doesnt matter, if I’m not entitled to what paid workers are getting I am being exploited and also treated unlawfully. This disgusting treatment had me and another work placement that tired that we ended up working on the wrong isle as without tea break our heads wasnt in the right place. Billie Jo then confronted us and showed us lots of aggression. My exact response to this was “you don’t need to speak so aggressively towards me, especially when I’m working here for free” I said that in a very calm manner which is unlike me but she still got angry at that response and told me to “go home.” I don’t feel I did anything wrong but the next day I got a phone call from my section leader and he told me “not to come back to work again as it is unacceptable to speak to a manager like that” I told him I don’t see how Ive been rude because I haven’t, standing up for myself in calm manner when being talked to like dirt is not being rude. He then decided to say I haven’t been working well enough which I personally feel isnt true. That section leader is in no position to say Ive not been working well anyway since he was showing me cheats on how to do my job, by hiding stock in places they didnt belong to make more room on the shelves. Guess I’m not getting a reference to make myself more employable. So to the people reading this, if you do care about us I suggest shopping at more independent stores because by shopping at this store you are supporting this absolute inhumanity. And to Russel Brand, yes you! If you’re the solution here is your chance to prove it and help me! Have your REVOLUTION book sold at ASDAS pulled from the shelves and let the chief executive of ASDA know why you made that decision. Their contact details: Andy Clarke E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0113 243 5435 Thank you
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:35:37 +0000

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