We need to keep moving forward in Osun State and not moving - TopicsExpress


We need to keep moving forward in Osun State and not moving backward. We may respectfully disagree with Aregbesola administration on policy issues and a little bit frustrated at the pace of change but it is obvious that we are better off under this administration than we were under Oyinlola administration. We don’t need a political analyst to help us drawing contrast between the forward looking policies of the present administration and the failed policies of Oyinlola’s rogue administration but a simple reality check is enough to set the record straight. To start with, under Oyinlola’s rogue administration our state was dying and fast becoming a banana republic. Our elected officers were committed to the principle of silencing dissenting voice and refused to listen to the voice of reason. Oyinlola declared war on his own people; demonstrators were killed or beaten up pitilessly in the street by the police in collaboration with the hired thugs under the direct supervision of the state government. Student activists were either expelled or suspended for staging peaceful marches and rallies to protest against poor learning and welfare conditions on campus. Student unions and radical organizations were proscribed while students gathering were infiltrated. Student leaders’ sincerity and commitment to progressive principles were tested and traitors were identified. Some student union leaders with no ideological background chose to be on the right side of history by fighting side by side with us even in the face of great odds to defend democracy while some trusted cadres compromised their position for political appointments. Lip service was paid to workers welfare and concerns under Oyinlola’s rogue administration while labor leaders were handsomely rewarded for compromising the interest of their members. Reckless decision was made at the last minutes of the Oyinlola administration in office to secure a loan to finance some ghost projects and perhaps to reward Oyinlola’s political friends. As a direct result of this reckless decision, our state deficit hit a record high and the burden of paying off our debt was passed on to the present administration and the next generation of the tax payer. Some members of Oyinlola’s regime were acquiring properties worth millions of naira while the hard working middle class in Osun State couldn’t afford to put food on their table. McCom Gove became a place for Mr. Governor to approve frivolous projects after getting drunk. State executive meeting that should be a platform to discuss people’s business was turned to a platform for filthiness and silly talk. On the contrary, Aregbesola started taking our state in a new direction shortly after the restoration of his mandate. He chose reconciliation over retribution and strives hard to regain the lost glory of our State by giving peace a chance and creating enabling environment for development. For the first time in history, we have a state governor that believe in joining forces with the labor union to protest the removal of the subsidy on pump price even at a time when some progressives were rationalizing the decision of the Federal Government to remove subsidy on pump price . Aregbesola refused to reward the labor leaders for their bad behavior but strengthening the middle class by raising the pay for the poor working class a little bit higher than the newly approved minimum wage. However, I want the State government to do more in bringing down the cost of education in Osun State higher institutions more than anyone but it will be an ideological dishonesty on my part if I refused to give credit to Aregbesola for reducing tuition fees which were astronomically high under Oyinlola’s rogue administration. For the first time in ten years, we have a governor that remains committed in creating an economy that is built to last and a strong educational system. Wastes were turned to money and a tool for job creation. Thousands of unemployed construction workers were put back to work re-building our roads. Hundred thousands of jobs were created through youth employment programs. Yes, there is more work to be done in terms of job creations in osun state but real progress has been made since Aregbesola took over the mantle of leadership. The next gubernatorial election in Osun State is an election of choice, in some months to come, the good people of Osun State we have the opportunity to make a choice between a governor that has offered hope for the future and Mr. Omisore, the likely flag bearer of the people democratic party, a former senator with record of being a seat warmer throughout his stay in the senate and a prime suspect in the assassination of chief Bola Ige in the court of public opinion. I don’t have anything personal against Mr. Omisore but let face it; it will be a sad day for democracy if Omisore realizes his dream of becoming the governor of Osun State. We have seen enough of Mr. Omisore leadership failures and the time is now to stop him from bringing shame and disgrace on our state. Omisore doesn’t know how to govern and we are not ready to put him at the helm of affairs, not now when the stakes are high. I have endorsed Aregbesola for a second term and am looking forward not only to campaign for him but to put my money where my mouth his. I welcome you all to join me in this effort.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:22:19 +0000

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