We need to make a really effective stand for tradition and the - TopicsExpress


We need to make a really effective stand for tradition and the family. It is why we say, right from the very start, that we believe that the cohesion our communities and nation need to survive has to be rooted in social actions locally and in patriotic, non-Marxian socialism nationally. Our militants need to be more effective, more disciplined and quite simply better human beings than our opponents or our would-be ‘rivals’. Before we can change society for the better, we first have to create a cadre of better individuals to do it. The national revolution begins in our hearts before it spreads to our communities and our streets. We need to stop exhausting our supporters by launching suicidal frontal assaults on our enemies’ strongpoints – big elections, and concentrate for now on experimenting with real deep-rooted community politics. There is a place for elections in the overall mix required to build a revolutionary nationalist vanguard party (sorry folks, there’s no soft, polite way of saying what we need to be!) but for the realistically foreseeable future it will be a small place. We need to work and discipline ourselves to focus more and more on the positive: On the occasions that our folk fight back; on the beauty and greatness of the culture and heritage we are here to defend; on nationalist counter-power initiatives. We must spend far less time worrying about the power of our various opponents, and concentrate more on the myriad signs that the destructive forces of capitalist globalism, the Marxist multi-cult, racist Jewish supremacism are out of energy and out of time. The social media revolution is tearing down the walls of mass media lies and the ‘mainstream’ fairy stories which for so long camouflaged their greed and their evil. My colleagues and I will be developing all these themes in further articles, recordings, discussions and interviews. And of course in meetings the length and breadth of our country. From ideas we will move on to action. Not in six months or a year or so, here too we are starting right away. Online. On the streets. In our communities. Let’s roll up our sleeves, because there’s work to be done, a revolution to be built, and a great people to be saved! Nick Griffin Ex BNP
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:01:27 +0000

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