We need to realize something. We need to stop pointing our fingers - TopicsExpress


We need to realize something. We need to stop pointing our fingers at others for our failures, situation or lack of the lifestyle we think we are entitled to. Most of my friends on here speak of liberty, freedom and independence. Alas, I also believe that after reading and hearing opinions on the matter, many do not want liberty. What they do want is a society that adheres to their own personal doctrine. But this mandate view for ALL society isnt freedom. It is dictatorship! Regardless if 50% or better of people agree with you, what you are supporting is tyranny! Your views on politics, religion, international alliances and policies are fundamentally just a form of the same corruption you and I speak out against now. I have been unfriended, called a traitor, called a heathen by those who support liberty, provided that liberties policies are or fit their beliefs or agendas. Some insist on supporting Israel, some call for the genocide of islam. But should you view on these subjects be mandated for me? Not if I am a free man. Nor should you be allowed to act on my behalf. There are thousands of people who call for the genocide of muslims, even more who condone the eradication of islam. Yet historically, this government and arguably, more have died at the hands of Christianity and or Christian leaders than has by muslims. But this rant isnt about religions in general. Its about be careful of what you promote and moreso, what your version of utopia is. Because your utopia is yours alone. I see far too many people who point the finger at politicians and various leaders who, thanks to their policies, hold us back. But that begs me to ask how? If you are hungry, is it someone elses fault? What are you doing to keep yourself fed? If 1 job isnt enough, and you are smart enough to realize that this 1 job does not meet your requirements for survival or comfort, then you must step up! Either work second job or seek other employment which does better provide. Blaming obama, mcconnell, pelosi, boehner, bush or cheney for your failure is only shifting blame. Are we in the end times? I dont know. Are we facing a massive global collapse? Again, I can only speculate. Howsver, if I fail to work and plan for tomorrow because of my beliefs that tomorrow may not come, then I have no riht to condone any political figure, party or government.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:38:23 +0000

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