We need to talk. Its been coming, and its time we talk about - TopicsExpress


We need to talk. Its been coming, and its time we talk about weight loss gimmicks. In fact, lets take one in particular because I was using this one womans page for inspiration and came to find out she was selling this gimmick, Skinny Fiber. I was helping some people to understand how the body works and what actually DOES work (what Im doing) and she first joined my page, then blocked me, but she didnt block my posts. Today, she went in and deleted my posts because, after all, who needs scientific evidence when a gimmick will do, right? There are always gullible people who are in search of a quick fix. I would LOVE to have a quick fix to the epidemic of obesity, diabetes secondary to obesity, heart disease secondary to obesity, etc. I would LOVE it. Guess what? It doesnt exist. Ive tried many many things to get rid of the weight, and all those so-called diets. Just about the only thing I havent done is Weight Watchers, surgery and phenfen (which I understand is off the market). I dont consider Weight Watchers to be a gimmick. It has helped countless people to release the fat and get healthy. I personally have a friend that shed over 100 pounds on Weight Watchers. The gimmicks I am talking about come in a bottle. Pills. Supplements. Etc. Gimmicks, one and all. Everyone wants instant gratification and they want to be lazy about their nutrition and exercise habits. If the people who advertise these products say you dont have to modify your habits at all, run for the hills!!! Their trick is to get you hooked on a short-term fix with long-term loyalty to their product. When you go off these supplements, what happens? You gain the weight back! So, why wouldnt you want to learn how to manage your metabolism the healthy way? It may not be fast, but it works. Im not counting anything, Im not measuring anything and Im not logging anything. I am simply eliminating grains from my diet by changing to a paleo lifestyle and doing something in the gym every day. Thats all. Nothing else. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Its simple; its not hard. The commitment is the hard part. You have to want it bad enough to make sure you eat the right things and get in the gym. The people who are buying into the fast track dont want it bad enough. I didnt want it before now. Sure, I gave it a lot of lip service, but when I plateaued, I stayed with it for a little while, fell back into my old habits and gained it all back plus some friends who came along for the ride. I hit my highest weight at the beginning of October of this year. I was shocked. 245 pounds. ME??? Yep, YOU!!! I didnt want it bad enough to give up my ice cream every evening. I blamed it on cravings. I blamed it on my husband. I blamed it on not getting in the gym. I directed the blame at everyone but where it belonged: at myself. Once I took responsibility for the way I was living, I was able to change my behavior. But I had to want to change. And I had to want it to never happen again. I made the commitment. I started researching nutrition and the way the body uses fat from its storage. THEN and ONLY then did I know what to do. I changed my outlook. I sat myself down and said Self, you and I need to have a talk. This relationship just isnt working. Either you change, or Im outta here. Think about it. Either you change, or youre outta here. I decided to change. And my husband will tell you, I am pretty vigilant about my nutrition now. I have seen a 14.5 pound weight loss in the last 5 weeks. As a result, my blood glucose is 67 (unheard of for someone at the tender age of 58). My blood pressure is 112/60. I had my blood drawn for a cholesterol screening a couple of weeks ago, and never got a result. If it was high, I would have heard from my doctor by now so he could get me on medication. I am not on any kind of medication for blood pressure or cholesterol. Thats astonishing. I just had to want it bad enough to change. I am in college to become a physical therapist assistant. (Thats someone who does most of the duties that a physical therapist does, but doesnt do evaluations or discharges.) I wanted to be healthy and strong so I could help people as long as my body will allow. And I will be able to do that as long as I stay the course. I would not trade the way Im feeling today for anything. Not even a big bowl of ice cream. And thats saying something. So I will get in the gym again today, and I have marinated venison planned for dinner tonight. I can do this. I AM doing this. You can too. For further reading about Skinny Fiber, here is a review that I read and I followed the links to the National Institute for Health. Its legit. supplement-geek/skinny-fiber-weight-loss-review/
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 19:41:30 +0000

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