We need to talk more openly about suicide... Its an epidemic these - TopicsExpress


We need to talk more openly about suicide... Its an epidemic these days... I had a friend that needed to call lifeline last night n another friend of mine is worrying about hes gf doing it... And as we all know I lost my hubby n too many friends that way.... Idk wot to say or do to help ppl but maybe if its talked about a bit more ppl will be more comfortable with coming forward with their feelings.... I was oblivious to my husbands pain at the time... Ppl hide behind smiles n laughter meanwhile hurting badly inside... I need ppl to no its ok to be sad u dont haveta hide it u need to get help.... Its not a sign of weakness to be depressed your actually extremely strong if u can reach out n show someone ur pain ... That takes a lot of courage... Life can n does get better but u will take the opportunity of it getting better away if u take ur life .... Also please think of the ppl u love that u r leaving behind... U will leave them with more pain than wot u r feeling right now xox
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:32:20 +0000

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