We need to wake up people. This is what some of us have to go - TopicsExpress


We need to wake up people. This is what some of us have to go through. Maybe no one has ever been racist towards you before and you dont understand. But this is some of the Shenanigans that some black americans have encountered right here in the United States. My mother brought me up to love all of this world no matter the color. If you know me, Ive always had friends of every color. Good friends that are good people. I have friends that are police officers and I have friends that are ex gang members. But what we have in common is that we live for Christ. What happened to living for Christ? It seems No one is afraid of the consequences of their actions anymore. We are more vocal to say hurtful things to each other. Yes, Ive seen the rants on fb from some of you and you ought to be ashamed to even be a racist or have racist tendencies in 2014. But I wont delete you, I will pray for you. I raised my black sons to be respectable black men and it would hurt my soul if someone took their life for no reason other than to think they were a threat. My son went to school in Southern Colorado at Adams State University and when he became BSU President, he became a target. He was approached by a Older White Man driving a SUV BMW while walking home from the school and told my son that he was too black to walk down the street at night and to be careful. And to top it off, the Older Man worked at the University. He waited on my son on campus and followed him as he walked home. I made my son come home because I didnt want him to become a target and get killed because of the color of his skin. The University did nothing! Thats a shame that we still are dealing with this in 2014. #BlackLivesMatter #HispanicLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #AnyLifeMatters #LivingforChristMatters
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 16:04:23 +0000

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