We needed more news like this? FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 5, 2013 - TopicsExpress


We needed more news like this? FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 5, 2013 COLORADO STATE SENATE STATE CAPITOL DENVER Hickenlooper Signs Measure to Raise Utility Rates on Rural Colorado Denver- Today Governor Hickenlooper signed Senate Bill 252, a measure that increases utility rates on working families across the state by mandating that customer-owned rural cooperatives and utilities increase their renewable energy standard when they can least afford it. Senate Republicans expressed outrage at what they view as another assault on rural Colorado. Senate Minority Leader Bill Cadman, R-Colorado Springs, said, “Senate President John Morse initiated the urban attack on rural Colorado when he sponsored SB 13-252. With his signature, Governor Hickenlooper joins Morse in perhaps the largest unfunded government mandate in Colorado history.” He went on to say, “In addition to disregarding the bipartisan opposition to this legislation, the Governor is ignoring the common interests of Coloradans in favor of special interests of extremists. Colorado families, businesses owners, farmers and ranchers will now be on the hook for billions of dollars in increased utility rates. Additionally, all government entities -- municipalities, school districts, fire departments -- will now face unnecessary rate increases.” Senator Greg Brophy, R-Wray, added, “Here is another example of the Democrats’ callous attitude toward the families in rural Colorado who are struggling to make ends meet. Utility bills will now increase on the very people who can least afford it.” Senator Steve King, R-Grand Junction, said, “Senate Bill 252 will directly impact people on fixed incomes in rural areas who are just barely hanging on in this economy. I am very disappointed that Governor Hickenlooper would sign yet another measure that only gained bipartisan opposition and puts seniors at risk.” Opponents of Senate Bill 252 include Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, National Federation of Independent Business, Colorado Concern, Colorado Mining Association, IBEW Local #111, IBEW Local #667, IBEW Local #969, IBEW Local #12, IBEW Local #68, IBEW Local #113, Rocky Mountain Agribusiness Association, Colorado Corn Growers Association, Colorado Telecommunications Association, Colorado Farm Bureau, Colorado Cattlemen Association, Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado, Action 22, Club 20, Progressive 15, Metro North Chamber of Commerce, Pueblo Home Builders Association, Colorado Hospital Association, Economic Development Council of Colorado, Craig Moffat Economic Development Partnership and the Douglas County Business Alliance. Senator Brophy concluded by asking, “If Senate Bill 252 is such a reasonable piece of legislation, I am curious why the Governor decided to sign it in Denver and not when he was traveling in rural parts of the state?” - Contact: Jesse Mallory Phone: (303) 866-3931
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:12:13 +0000

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