We never have the right debate in America concerning healthcare - TopicsExpress


We never have the right debate in America concerning healthcare which would get to the root of the problem. Should we allow healthcare to be just another business run for profit? Japan asked this question and said no and set up not for profit corporations to administer healthcare. So now an ultrasound exam that costs many thousands of dollars in the US cost less than $100. Doctors are paid well but there are few millionaire MDs in Japan. Hospitals are not for profit and so a room there is a fraction of the cost in the US. There are NO insurance companies taking a huge chunk of healthcare dollars as profits for themselves and their stockholders and there is no multimillion dollar lobbyist being paid by healthcare dollars to influence Japans government to help them bilk the sick and injured. Because it is not for profit drug companies are forced to compete for the business and the government negotiates far cheaper prices than these same companies charge in our for profit system. Way more money is spent on prevention in Japan because in a not for profit system good health outcomes are rewarded instead of the sickly being profitable in our messed up parasitic system. As long as for profit corporations run our system healthcare will remain the largest government expenditure and the underlying problem of soaring cost will never be addressed because high costs, sick people and large profits is what our system is designed to produce.There is no such thing as ObamaCare. All it is is the same old private insurance weve always had. The only difference in policies is that theres now a little bit of standardization of coverages. And were going to divert a bunch of money from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to provide subsidies and tax credits to people who cant afford the same old private insurance they dont already have because they cant afford it. Thats it. Thats all there is to it. Its just a massive diversion of wealth from the middle class to the insurance companies. The insurance companies got tired of shearing the sheep and went ahead and skinned it.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:45:50 +0000

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