We never know when we maybe involved in a car accident. It can - TopicsExpress


We never know when we maybe involved in a car accident. It can happen at any time, anywhere. Just witnessed a major car accident on the same corner where I had mine 5 years ago. An SUV rear ended a small car, smashing the back of it and sending it flying across the intersection. I heard the impact which sounded like an explosion as the glass and debris flew up in the air with a cloud of smoke. I was blasting and singing along to AC/DCs shoot to thrill when it happened. The SUV smoking, with front completely smashed in, slowly turned and rolled (uncontrollably) off the street down a hill into a ditch. I had to quickly move my car out of the way so it didnt hit me in its injured turn. Called 911 right away and did my civilian duties of assisting both drivers to stay calm and DONT MOVE. The driver of the SUV was not in the greatest shape. Seems he didnt see the car or never slowed down when approaching the red light. Hitting the car in front of him full speed (heard no screeching brakes) 40-50mph? Special mention: I bring this up as prayers are needed as the driver of the other (small) car that got hit is 8 months pregnant. She was in physical pain and her husband was emotional upset obviously because of her current state. I ask that every one pray that she will be okay and that her baby will be 100% alright. In a situation like this any trauma, as we know, is not good for pregnant women nor the unborn child. I felt it was a boy, but didnt tell her. ;) I wonder if they know yet? Prayers for all involved! Both cars were completely totaled. Man I hate that corner. Police officer will be calling me tomorrow to discuss further. Need I mention I and a fireman almost got hit by a another car as we crossed the street because the driver and passenger were looking at the accident and not watching what was in front of them, us. We heard screeching tires and turned to see a car about 5 feet away from us with the driver and passenger looking at me like deers in a headlight. Whew!!!! Thank you god. People please, pay attention driving especially during a car accident, pay attention what is ahead of you and slow down. Last thing is to have two accidents in one. Off to bed with good healing thoughts for both. Glad I am here to write this and not in the hospital myself. peace.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:32:16 +0000

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