We notice the same questions being asked. Here are posted links on - TopicsExpress


We notice the same questions being asked. Here are posted links on exercises for FCE dogs, how to bowel retrain FCE dogs, and so much information! This helpful info was added to the About Page . Thanks Deborah for collaborating all them links. AFTER THE FCE DIAGNOSIS.... We have put together some helpful and essential information regarding care and rehabilitation of a dog that has sustained a fibrocartiliginous embolism, aka FCE. Some key issues: 1. Turn every two hours to prevent pressure sores 2. You will need to learn how to express urine manually, because paralyzed dogs nearly always are at risk for a urinary tract infection. 3. Prevent urine scald on the abdomen and pubis. FCE dogs cannot lick away residual urine and so you need baby wipes on hand and clean their belly and/or privates after elimination,whether bowel or bladder. Apply Desitin or diaper rash ointment to any areas of redness or irritation. EXPRESSING URINE MANUALLY IF YOUR DOG IS INCONTINENT: Dont fret over this task. Soon you will be doing it like a pro! handicappedpets/how-to-express-your-dogs-bladder.html If you have any doubts, google expressing dog urine youtube or something like that and you will come up with some good visual videos on the art of urine expression. EXPRESSING URINE IN A MALE DOG: AMBULATION AND ASSISTANCE WITH AMBULATION: When you have a confirmed diagnosis of FCE, without any further spinal complications, getting your dog up on his or her feet and ambulating is something to do as soon as possible. You will need an assistive device, such as a towel, or folded blanket, or an actual sling, to help your dog stand and move around. Get your dog standing to eat (move the food bowl up on a stand or blocks or small chair or table to be at chest height) You can hold them up via the sling while they eat, go outside to do their business, or just ambulate around the room. Do this every four or five hours... SLINGS: There are some dual harnesses, which support the front and rear of the dog, if all four quadrants are affected. Again, try EBAY and AMAZON also....and if you are handy with a sewing machine, you could make a sling, but use fabric that is easily washable - like fleece fabric, which can be pretty durable and strong. handicappedpets/help-pets-walk/dog-harnesses-a-slings.html PROPRIOCEPTION: Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement.[1] It is provided by proprioceptors THE KEY IS TO REESTABLISH THE DOGS AWARENESS OF THE AFFECTED LIMBS. WHAT IS MISSING, IS THAT THE MESSAGE FROM BRAIN TO LIMB HAS BEEN DAMAGED. WE NEED TO REAWAKEN AND RETRAIN AND REESTABLISH PROPRIOCEPTION OF THOSE AFFECTED LIMBS. STIMULATE NERVE ENDINGS, MASSAGE AND RANGE OF MOTION EXERCISES: Focus on the front and or rear severely affected limbs and really try to stimulate nerve endings. Tickle the inside of his paw pads....tickle HARD. BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY: You want to focus on ROM and massage. For the front limbs: ROM m.youtube/watch?v=qRlF7gZRB4Y For the hind limbs: ROM m.youtube/watch?v=PkufiU4ZsTo HEATING PAD: You can use a heating pad on affected areas to help with vasodilation and oxygenation of tissue...but you have to monitor this...make sure it is not too hot. Make sure your dog is not lying on the pad.. Pad can be applied to the top of the legs and hips and lower and upper spine. ROM all limbs, NOT JUST THE AFFECTED LIMBS, at least three times a day. Massage therapy, rear limbs: m.youtube/watch?v=u0gEg6CuLKk Massage therapy, front limbs - massage ALL limbs...even unaffected limbs... m.youtube/watch?v=87Mxqs-FI40 HYDROTHERAPY: About ten days to two weeks after the event: If you have a small dog, you can use a tub. If a large dog, find a canine therapy facility for hydrotherapy or do this yourself, very carefully though, if you have access to a pool or spa/hot tub. (You can start out with very little water if using a bath tub or spa/hot tub. Make sure the water is lukewarm, not too hot, not too cold. It should be cooler than it is for the dog than it would be for your liking. You must use a life vest or jacket and make sure the dogs head is above water and he/she is not aspirating water as you perform therapy. It usually takes two people when you do it on your own. Add some Epsom salts to the water...good for healing and keeping the skin softened. ADDITIONAL HELPFUL INFORMATION: BELLY BANDS FOR MALE DOGS: For unresolved urinary incontinence, belly bands are a must. Just buy the disposable variety...and you just have to be so careful about not leaving it on too long, because of the risk of UTIs or urine scalding on the skin. Measure to see what size you need. amazon/Wiki-Wags-Brand-Small-Disposable/dp/B005HIKG5Y/ref=sr_1_2?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1395412273&sr=1-2&keywords=belly+bands+for+male+dogs DIAPERS FOR FEMALE DOGS: Often, standard baby disposable baby diapers work pretty well for females. You can purchase newborn through various ages, depending on the size of your dog. SOCKS AND BOOTS: During ambulation, the feet need protection when they are dragging or knuckling. You can buy dog boots or dog socks. One way to extend the life of the sock if you are using it outdoors, is to use waterproof tape (like tent repair tape or sail repair tape) and wrap and mould it carefully around the shape of the sock, so as to form a protective boot. LINK FOR BOOTS: ultrapaws/dog-boots/ The company below has a great return policy.... gundogsupply/dog-boots.html pawzdogboots LINK FOR SOCKS: (For larger breeds, infant socks often work just fine) Measure the width of your dogs foot. Amazon has a myriad of sizes for this type of sock. amazon/gp/product/B008SO6QBM/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A1THAZDOWP300U TAPE TO WRAP THE SOCKS: (Also found on EBAY, AMAZON, sporting goods stores, camping and hiking equipment stores, marine supply stores). It will get dirty outside and look gnarly, but it holds up and will extend the life of the sock! tapebrothers/Awning-Repair-Tape-s/371.htm IF THE BOOT OR SOCK IS TOO LARGE AT THE TOP: Let vet wrap become your friend. You can find this on Ebay, in pet stores, feed stores...The 2 or 3 inch size seems to be the most efficient. amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dsporting&field-keywords=vet+wrap **********************************READ THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY YOU ARE CARING FOR YOUR FCE DOG! ***********************
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:35:37 +0000

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