We now know our Governments are no longer serving the interest of - TopicsExpress


We now know our Governments are no longer serving the interest of the people and theres little that we as a collective can do to over throw them, this is because we all have been indoctrinated with the system of hierarchy for so long that we not longer even ask any question over the legitimacy of the system we all subjected under. It is for this reason that we accepts automatically people with a higher stature or post and importance in the social order or ranking. The reason for the success of this minor controlling group is because we all ingrained with the concept to take order without the need to ask any questions because we have taken the rules of law over our natural morality. Hence once order is given from above, generals will give orders to foot soldiers to fight and to kill or agents in the system of law to carry out their given tasks that may well violate all human rights without ever feeling guilty of such. We must re-examine our system of governance in order to rebuilt a world that works to the greatest benefit of all humanity and not just to benefit the very few. Instead of the complex and illegible rules and regulations, we must revamp and to simplify all areas of our society to the simplest natural law that so as long as we DO NO HARM to another and any quibbles of differences are to be sorts with common sense instead of line of words formed by the system of the old. We must begin to work to rid of all the indoctrination of rank and file, we must resist the energy of the old paradigm where those unconscious few can manipulate and conquer the masses with division. We must work together as one big family and no longer fight for a position no matter how important the role we play. We must access our highest spiritual wisdom to see that all are equal and to share all of the worlds abundance and we all work for the greater good instead just the self serving energy of the old. We need to reorganise our social structure by ways of community groups with people whom are ready to serve rather than to dictate as in our present system. The motive and the motivation is not power, money or anything that will corrupt the core of our spiritual being, all works are share equally and I believe we have enough people whom have passion to work in all areas of our infrastructure, science and technology which serves all of our needs. If we are to apply all of our present disclosed knowledge/technology, there is enough to feed, to house every person on this planet comfortably without the worry of lack or scarcity which have been the selling point to generate FEAR by these unconscious groups to keep their power of control. This is only possible because WE AS A COLLECTIVE have literally given them our consent by our unconscious submission because we lack the organisation to act as a unit/body. It is totally possible to have a world without the need for bankers (elite controllers of money which is a false value when the truth is that we are the value itself), lawyers and the system of law (the true centre of human mind control), stock brokers (legalise gambling in the largest scale), insurance industrial (selling fear), arms industry (a strong department within the system of division and conquer), fossil fuel (another faction in the system of control), Pharmaceutical and GMO food/seed production (now part of population control, AGENDA 21), Institutions such as museums and science where cover ups of hidden archaeology of the truth of human history. Im sure you can add more to this above list. It is now time that we should find people with the ability to organise, to lead but also with the strong morality and spirituality to work for the betterment of humanity. We then work out groups/network that spans across the entire planet and do away these self centred old fashion politician which were placed there by these controlling few. Its time to wake up and to take back all that belongs to every single person born on this beautifully planet and never to have another WAR again. It is because of this that have allowed the shadow controlling groups to post as leaders to make deals with negative intent ET races in the past. I truly believe that had it not been for the positive ETs intervention, we would now be in a much worst scenario/situation. I ask all those intelligent brains with a huge heart to come forward, to take lead and lets organise a new governance, let us co-create a world that will benefit all - any takers?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:44:01 +0000

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