We offer our respectful obeisances unto our Spiritual Master, who - TopicsExpress


We offer our respectful obeisances unto our Spiritual Master, who has opened our eyes with the light of knowledge, which were otherwise blinded by the darkness of ignorance. Our Beloved Spiritual Master, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, who had mercifully manifested His leelas on planet earth for ninety-one years, decided that it was time to bring His visible pastimes to a close, and in the morning of 15th November, 2013, returned to the Divine Abode of Radha Krishna. What He gave to humankind during His stay in our world can never be sufficiently eulogised in words; the whole planet shall remain indebted to Him for His gift of love. In the annals of great rasik saints who have graced this world with their divine gift of devotion, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the 5th authentic Jagadguru of this age, shines like the sun illuminating the entire universe with His knowledge, love and grace. Seldom has a personality of such divine significance, possessing unfathomable scriptural authority and mesmerising eloquence descended on earth in the last 5000 years. His very presence exuded sweetness of the nectar of Divine Love, flowing like a stream for the fortunate souls to quench the thirst of innumerable lifetimes. Describing a rasik saint and his greatness is akin to the blind describing the beauty of nature or the deaf about the harmony in an orchestra. How can a bee describe the honey it drowns in? As the embodiment of the nectar of Divine Love, He came to reveal the supreme nature of bhakti for all of us to follow, and help souls achieve God-realisation. Such causeless grace can only be divine, as the benefactor of such grace breaks free from the endless cycle of birth and death, to become one with God. This priceless spiritual gift can only be granted by a God-realised saint to a humble and deserving soul. Such benevolence transcends the realm of material achievements and greatness. He revealed the most sublime spiritual knowledge, which had remained abstruse and inaccessible for many millennia, and distributed it so munificently in this age of multimedia that He inundated the earth with it. On the irrefutable authority of all the Vedic scriptures, He established selfless Divine Love for Radha Krishna as the highest ideal for us to strive for in our lives. And yet, knowing that the ideal was too high and the journey too long for most materially conditioned souls to complete in one lifetime, He mercifully left as His legacy, a treasure chest of the names, forms, virtues, pastimes and abodes of God, in the form of the tens of thousands of bhajans, kirtans, pads and couplets that He composed. These will now be the elixir for future generations of devotees and the subject of research and study for Ph.D. scholars and academicians to come. His grace showered upon all fortunate souls who came in touch with Him, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and country. For the tens of thousands of souls who had the good fortune of receiving His personal guidance and association, He expanded Himself in their hearts to become their everything in life; Guru, father, mother, best friend, beloved and support. It is hard to imagine life without His physical presence. Let us remember that He Himself had taught us to practice the presence of God and Guru with us at all times. In concurrence with His teachings, let us remain steadfast in the conviction that, although we cannot see Him with our material eyes, He continues to stay in our midst, noting our every thought and action, and showering His grace as we strive to walk the path He revealed to us. In this hour of grief, we should strongly reaffirm our resolve to implement His every instruction for purifying our hearts and for pushing forward His mission. This is the most befitting way of showing our respect to Him. The worldwide mission that Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj established, with several ashrams, centres, hospitals, educational institutes and congregational centres shall continue His work of material and spiritual service of humankind. The three main ashrams established by Shri Maharaj Ji in Mangarh, Vrindavan and Barsana will continue to serve as the worldwide headquarters of the mission. With humble prayers, on the solemn event of Shri Maharaj Ji leaving His body on the 15th of November, 2013 for the Divine Abode of Shri Radha Krishna, let us all pledge to continue and further strengthen our devotion to God and our Beloved Guru. In the service of our Beloved Gurudev, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:10:53 +0000

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