We often hear the saying Im a work in progress. What exactly is a - TopicsExpress


We often hear the saying Im a work in progress. What exactly is a work in progress? Thought about this today and what it is to me is simply this. We try to do what we are suppose to do, we try to encourage people daily. We try to inspire them. We share our story with people a lot, so as to maybe help them not make the same stupid mistakes we have made on our journey through life. Sometimes we share with people that maybe we shouldnt have shared with because they take what we have shared with them and use it to talk about us behind our backs and to make us look bad for whatever reason or reasons they may have. Now Im gonna personalize this for just a minute. I am trying to be the person that God created me to be. I still say things and do things EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE that arent pleasing to God. And everyday I pray that with Gods grace His mercy and His forgiveness that I might do better than I did yesterday. I ask for discernment as to whom I am to share with and exactly what I am to share with them. I ask that I not be so quick to be judge and jury in someone elses journey because I have no idea what their journey is and I am commanded not to judge. If we are honest with ourself we are all guilty of judging others. A lot of times we may wish things in others lives that we wouldnt tell another soul that we wished upon that person. We have to be careful about that because well I think we all know why. Its just not right friends. Our thinking can mess us up quicker than anything in this world. Because if we are wishing bad on other peoples lives, what does that say about who we are. Our pride, our wrong thinking, jealousy, or just plain hate will control our life if we arent careful. And when we have these things in our lives its flows over into our familys lives also. We have to be careful of these thoughts that control our mind, because they get in our hearts then we have some major problems. Not everyone is going to like us so we need to be ok with that. But if we are genuine in who we are then it shows in how we live our life. So friends we are all a work in progress so lets treat each other as such. None of us are perfect and we never will be. But if someone is striving to rise above obstacles in their lives, whether these obstacles were brought on by others or if they brought them on by themselves, lets not try to knock them back down, lets help them try to rise above these obstacles!!! A great teacher in the ALE program shared 3 words with Bryan and me about our situation that has helped us tremendously on our journey. Those words are rise above it. People lets rise above our feelings and emotions and lets lift each other up instead of knocking each other down. WE ARE ALL A WORK IN PROGRESS so lets help each other in the process of this progress!!! Because if we are hating on others it shows in our everyday lives whether we realize it or not. God help me to be a person that is a lifter up of heads not a person that people shake their head at. A great Pastor told me once if we arent progressing we are regressing!!! Lets move forward. Because if we arent moving forward we are moving backwards in life!!! Just sayin!!! Sometimes I read what I have shared and God shows me things in my life that arent pleasing to Him and Im like ouch but then Im like thank You Sir!!! And this is one of those times. I thank You Sir!!! Correction not condemnation!!! I love it! I love Him! I love yall!!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:11:02 +0000

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