We open our story to a young soldier, dressed in the red and black - TopicsExpress


We open our story to a young soldier, dressed in the red and black uniform of the Terran Republic. He starts panting as he sprints across the field, desperate to reach the objective. He looks up, noticing a soldier dressed in the yellow and blue garments of the enemy, the New Conglomerate. He raises his LC3 Jaguar assault carbine and fires off a couple rounds, hitting the enemy square in the chest. The enemy has fallen, but the soldier for the TR keeps running. It is not over. He hears radio chatter over the radio in his helmet, he hears the warning of more enemy soldiers ahead. He raises his weapon, and fires, killing two more soldiers in front of him. He takes a sigh a relief, barely hearing the warning. On your nine! the voice in his helmet calls. He turns in time to see another soldier jump from a boulder, knife in his hand, arched back to hit him in the chest. Turning the rifle in his hands, the TR soldier slams the butt of the gun into the jaw of the oncoming soldier, knocking him back. As the enemy falls, he fires off two shots, hitting the tango through the skull. The soldier continues running, not stopping until he comes to a boulder. He ducks behind it, wiping his visor free of the blood and dust that had gathered on it. He looks left and nods to a squad mate. He too was covered in blood and dirt. His mate nods back, and they both leap over the rock and continue on at a slow sprint. they could see the edge of the cliff ahead. He yells commands through his command channel. Alright gents. Lets get em! He leaps off of the cliff, followed by another, then another, then another. Twelve bodies jumped over the cliff, overlooking a battle below. All around, people shooting at people, vehicles transporting others, a MAX suit providing cover, and every so often, the sound of an explosion could be heard. The noise was deafening, but the squad continued. The leader looked down in time to see one of his soldiers fall straight to the ground. A casualty. Just another one in this war. The rest activate their jet-packs, slowing their descents to the ground. When the leader hits the ground, he rolls, getting to his feet, and fires a couple of shots of cover fire as the rest hit the ground. One slams his rifle into the gut of a TR soldier, another steps on a mine, the explosion sending blood and dirt flying. The leader runs ahead through the chaos, sliding behind a rock next to another soldier from a sister outfit. They nod at each other in greeting, then the leader reloads the weapon, looking over the rock. He leaps over it and jumps onto the top of a Vanguard tank. The hatch opens as a rebel soldier attempts to take the TR leader out, but falls as a bullet hits him through the head, taken by a friendly sniper hidden in a nearby cliche. The commander quickly takes a grenade from his belt, activates it, and throws it into the tank. He jumps off and three seconds later, the sound of the explosion shakes the area. He continues running until he comes to another cliff. He looks to his left and notices a squad mate had managed to catch up to him. They both activate their jet-packs, jumping off the cliff. They both glide through the air, aimed at a building a hundred meters away, however, the sound of a helicopter interrupt them. With a buzz, the blades of an enemy aircraft run through the body of the second soldier. The commander watches, shocked, then suddenly gets an idea. He sets his gun on his back and grab the rudders of another aircraft. using it to glide, he jumps off and flies to another one. He takes his last grenade from his belt and tosses it at the plane. Scrambling to get away, he activates his jet-pack once more and flies higher yet as the grenade takes out the aircraft. He lands on top of an enemy galaxy, transporting troops. He takes the gun and runs along the top, shooting downward. He heard the screams as men were killed. He however, did not care. He leans back and slides to the cockpit. Just as he gets to the edge, he grabs hold of a lever and fires into the cockpit window at the driver. Fire lit the cockpit as the commander pushes himself away from the aircraft, still shooting. Suddenly he hears a shout and his body is rocketed away. An enemy soldier had jumped from another airplane and hit him. They wrestled as they fell, but the commander drew his knife and attempted to stab the soldier. They continued fighting until they hit the top of another aircraft, the knife plunging deep into the enemy soldiers chest. The commander pushes the dead man off of him and eyes go wide. He quickly rolls and grabs a lever as the galaxy he shot up collided downward on top of the ride he was on. He held on tight as his ride flies forward, straight into the wall of the enemys defenses. Perfect He thinks to himself as he activates his jet-pack and lets go of the plane and it crashes into the building. This time however, the jet-pack fails. The vacuum of the collision pulls the commander into the fire. He hits the ground hard, his armor protecting him from most damage, but his jet pack falls off. He continues rolling for what seemed like forever. Stunned, he hears the word Breached! over his headset. Alpha 1s breached! The sounds of cheering is heard, but the commander does not celebrate. The mission is not yet done. He staggers to his knees, taking a silver cylinder from his pocket. He slams it down into the dirt, and immediately a red beam of light shoots to the sky. Up in the sky around, the pilots of several Terran Republic galaxies fly toward the light as soldiers strap into drop pods. Soon, they start rocketing downward to the earth. The commander looks up and watches, sighing with relief, but only briefly. A sudden pain in his abdomen takes his breath away. The pain occurs again and he puts a hand over the area. As his vision goes blurry, he takes his hand away and is shocked to see blood on his glove. He looks around, puzzled, as he suddenly feels dizzy. Suddenly, beings appear right in front of his eyes. Three of them. Dressed in purple uniforms. Soldiers for the Vanu Sovereignty. Crap the commander thinks as he falls backward. He looks upward at his falling comrades, then to the soldiers, looking at him, then to the beacon. The last thing he sees before his vision goes black is the soldiers turning, and walking away. It was...a...trap... Not too far away, another purple clad figure watches the falling pods, then turns, getting into the galaxy waiting. He looks hack as dozens of aircraft hit the sky, hundreds of tanks roll forward, and thousands of troops move toward the beacon. My name is Second Lieutenant Alex Markov. I am a soldier of the Terran Republic. And this...is our war.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:52:24 +0000

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