We ought to be used to people making bold untrue statements. Why - TopicsExpress


We ought to be used to people making bold untrue statements. Why do they do that? They know all they have to do is get an uniformed person to listen to their loud rambling and this point will be carried to hundreds and then thousands of other uninformed people. These people may seem dense at first but watch them for a while. Notice that there is no evidence to prove their point. These are the bottom feeders in any society all around the world. The make the 6 oclock news with their garble....to bad they dont make it to work as faithfully as they do to complain, get their welfare and fail their own family when they are failing to bring home dinner. They want you to think America failed them. They failed themselves and America. They have become so tied to free handouts TheGreat will never understand that the world does not owe them especially when there are no jobs to assign them to. Lets get the streets, roads, buildings, parks all cleaned up and we will find a job on all of those tasks for every welfare now check recipient. Let them earn a living and pay taxes like everybody else. You deadbeats are not part of the problem.....you ARE the problem. Work and feed your own family.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 00:21:47 +0000

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