We read Matthew Chapter 4 this morning, which I have read many - TopicsExpress


We read Matthew Chapter 4 this morning, which I have read many times before, but I was reminded of some amazing things in it. Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. People might say “big deal, He was Jesus so He could get out of any situation He wanted”. But this verse shows just how obedient Jesus was. He put His power aside and being in human form He knew how powerless we are and that we need to let ourselves be led by the Holy Spirit. We need to follow the Spirit not only into situations that are garnished with joy & peace and happiness and prosperity, but also into situations that look scary and bleak. Jesus knew where He was being led. He knew He would be face to face with the devil himself but He followed the Spirit anyway. He had complete confidence that good was going to come out of the situation. He knew That His Father would protect Him and that His Father would be glorified. We have to have that same obedience AND confidence. We have to remember that being a Christian does not guarantee that this life will be filled with hymns playing quietly in the background and that everything is going to be hunky dory all the time. Things are going to get tough, not only to help strengthen us in the areas we are weak but to give God the glory for getting us through them. How many times do we find ourselves in a tragic situation and when we get through it do we feel it is OUR faith in God that got us through it? It is not our faith, but in WHOM our faith lies. There is no greater testimony of Gods grace and power & mercy then when people see us get through a tragic situation and praise the God who saw us through to the end. Also in the chapter the devil quoted scripture to Jesus when he was testing him. Jesus answered right back with scripture that contradicted the distorted meaning the devil was trying to attached to the scripture he had quoted. We have to remember that the devil is powerful and crafty and not everything he throws our way will be nasty, some things will have the appearance of being good. He will distort even the Word of God to help further his evil plans. And we have to be ready for that. We have to meditate on the Word daily, and not only let it be the core of who we are, but to know and trust it so well that we are able to use it as a weapon against the evil one. WOW. It never ceases to amaze me just how much Jesus loves us. All of the situations He went through during His time here on earth, He went through them simply to teach us something!! How cool is that.....
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 14:45:20 +0000

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