We read in Ephesians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of - TopicsExpress


We read in Ephesians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” According to this Scripture, the Lord will fill us with all good things and blessings through His divine love. The Bible says that wealth and honor come from Him (I Chronicles 29:12). A godly man called Cornelius sought the Lord wholeheartedly together with his family, and so He filled all of them with His Holy Spirit. As you too thus seek the Lord, as a family, with devotion, He will take care of all your household affairs. He will pour His love into you through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5) and no power of evil can confront you. The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against the enemy (Isaiah 59:19). He will enable each family member to love one another and there will be oneness of mind, unity and peace in the family. In a family, there was a daughter who was cheerless as she was lagging behind in her lessons. Besides, she was physically very weak. The other children in the family were smart, brilliant and physically strong and hence the parents were fond of them. They were always blaming their sister because of which she was all the more discouraged. One day, her friend told her, “Don’t worry about your flaws. Let us together pray for this.” Afterward, both began to seek the Lord and He helped the girl to score more marks in her lessons than before. Hence, right away both of them expressed their gratitude to the Lord and as they thanked Him to a greater extent, He filled them with His Holy Spirit and divine joy. The girl’s physical weakness left her and her life was turned upside down. The parents were amazed. She received honor and fame than any of the other children in the family. Dearly beloved, the Holy Spirit transforms us, who are insignificant and weak, into useful people and as a blessing to others. Hence do not be worried that others are magnifying your failures. The Lord will change them to success by the power of His love. Look unto Him with trust and then He will remove whatever lack you have and bless you exceedingly above all that you ask or think. Have you given room for the Lord, who loves you forever, in your heart and home? If not, kneel down and confess all your shortcomings at His feet. Then He shall pour out His love upon you, wipe away your tears and fill you with His goodness. He will enable you to taste His pure love and it will flow from you into the lives of others and make them rejoice as well. Prayer: Loving Lord Jesus, You are the source of all blessings. I seek You wholeheartedly and trust in You. Please remove my shortcomings, change my failures into success and bless me with fame and honor. Transform me into a useful vessel and make me a blessing to others. Pour Your love into my family and fill my home with divine peace. In Your matchless name I pray, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:29:02 +0000

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