We received a rather curious article about the losses of Ukrainian - TopicsExpress


We received a rather curious article about the losses of Ukrainian Army in Novorossiya. #CyberRiot doesn’t usually publish analytics however this post drew our attention. It contains references to both our and #CyberBerkut previous publications as well as to some unknown facts about Ukrainian Army. As it is we recommend that you read it. Piles of dead There’s been a lot of talk about the losses in Ukrainian Army these days, however different sources provide contradictory information. Less than 400 Ukrainian soldiers have died since the beginning of the so-called anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Donbas region, according to the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Finforesist.org%2Fs-nachala-ato-pogiblo-363-voennyx-1434-raneny-snbo%2F&post=-71999219_836 Inforesist news agency writes about 4 000 Ukrainian military killed in action. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Finforesist.org%2Fesli-vam-po-televizoru-skazali-chto-za-proshedshie-sutki-pogibli-dva-ili-tri-voennyx-znajte-na-samom-dele-ix-12-13%2F&post=-71999219_836 Member of Ukrainian Parliament Sergei Gorokhov from ‘For peace and stability’ group is sure that only the first two weeks of action saw more than 2 500 soldiers killed. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fmignews.ua%2Fsobitiya%2Finukraine%2F3474013.html&post=-71999219_836 Independent experts have calculated that the losses of government forces were 6 749 people as of the end of July. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fm.rosbalt.ru%2Fukraina%2F2014%2F08%2F07%2F1301500.html&post=-71999219_836 What source of information should we believe? I attempted to find an answer to that question. Documents revealed by the #CyberBerkut hackers show that more than 7 000 people died during the ATO. vk/cyberberkut1?w=wall-67432779_14257 And this is only a part of the information about the losses which has been officially (but secretly) reported to the authorities unlike this ‘scheme of the survivors’ made by an officer of the 72-nd motorized brigade deployed in Donbas. (Several brigades including this one were trapped and surrounded by the rebel forces. They sustained heavy losses and were close to complete annihilation). vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Fandrei_kurpskiy%2F51773593%2F7785%2F7785_900.jpg&post=-71999219_836 It seems, Ukrainian Army and National Guard commanders just don’t want to make records of the losses. Interestingly, but if you take NSDC data for granted, then 1/8 of those killed in action during ATO is shown on the scheme. A soldier of the 72-nd brigade also talked about the cynical attitude of the commanders towards those killed in action. vk/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DF0YfMq9BQ-4&post=-71999219_836 According to him, personnel of the brigade had orders to bury the dead and heavily wounded in mass graves, so that the bodies could not be found. No messages to the families of the deceased were sent. Speaking of Ukrainian Army losses you can’t but mention the most curious post of blogger Amfora, who debunks the lies of Kiev. (He provides links to various sources proving that Ukrainian authorities lie through their teeth about combat losses). vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fvvv-ig.livejournal%2F782562.html&post=-71999219_836 Considering all the above-mentioned, I raise two questions: 1. How do commanders of Ukrainian Army and National Guard manage to keep moral of their soldiers high? 2. What do those commanders do with the bodies of the deceased? New Kiev authorities seem to have found a solution to the first problem by establishing retreat-blocking detachments which have orders to shoot down ‘deserters’ and other trouble-makers. vk/cyberberkut1?w=wall-67432779_14150 The second problem has been simply ignored. A permeated by the bitter irony post of a blogger from Lviv named frmlvivwithlove tells us not only about the ‘hard lot’ (that is irony) of the children of Ukrainian officials, but also about the multi-star generals of ‘the strongest Army in Europe’ (that is irony) who put the burden of caring for their dead soldiers on the shoulders of the rebels. (The post contains various information about the way children of Ukrainian officials luxuriously live while the country is in chaos. It also contains a letter from his friend who visited Donetsk region. According to it, the rebel forces use old freight refrigerator railroad cars for storing corpses of the killed soldiers of Ukrainian Army and National Guard) vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fukraine-world.livejournal%2F245499.html&post=-71999219_836 ‘…we helped one of our relatives from the village of Gornoe 4 km away from here to load his possessions, he was giving some stuff away to us too. And there we had a real shock! We were passing by the rail road and saw some strange railroad cars. Nearby stood a van filled with CORPSES!!!...’ ‘…We talked about it with the brother and mother of my wife when we got to Hartzisk (a small town). They said those were refrigerators for meat. They had been carried to the village about three week before. Now they are something like a portable morgue. Every couple of days there’s a van with bodies…’ vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Ffrmlvivwithlove%2F69888234%2F4117%2F4117_original.jpg&post=-71999219_836 There’s a volunteer humanitarian group called Echo of War on Facebook. Its members try to identify Ukrainian soldiers deceased in action in Donbas and transfer their bodied to the families. They may well be the ones who gather the bodies in those refrigerators. vk/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Ffacebook%2Fpages%2F%25D0%25AD%25D1%2585%25D0%25BE-%25D0%2592%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B9%25D0%25BD%25D1%258B%2F279541568919972&post=-71999219_836 It is worth mentioning that the dead bodies in most part have neither papers nor other belongings which may help identify them. Apparently commanders take them away so that the identification process is as difficult as it can be and the real number of losses is not disclosed. Information revealed by the hacker group #CyberRiot confirms intentional distortion of the real consequences of the ‘non-civil war’. I’m talking about the correspondence between deputy head of Ukrainian presidential administration Yuriy Kosyuk and deputy secretary of NSDC Mykhailo Koval. They discuss a report made by some mysterious ‘friends’. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Fandrei_kurpskiy%2F51773593%2F8331%2F8331_900.jpg&post=-71999219_836 (Additional LINK to the previous publication on Facebook eng) ‘In accordance with the results of the inspection, there was a confirmation of the past information on deliberate distortion of casualty numbers during the conflict among military personnel of Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard of Ukraine.’ ‘It became known from reliable sources about cases of rearrangement of personnel losses in 24th, 72nd and 79th Ukrainian Army brigades dislocated in the south of Donetsk region’ ‘Special attention is attracted to the incoming information that Ukrainian Army and National Guard headquarters use the practice of reporting personnel losses as deserters who willfully left location of military base or got missing in action. According to witnesses, sometimes dead Ukrainian soldiers were left on the battle field even though there was possibility of evacuation. Such policy helps to avoid heightening frustration of the population and also allows not to pay compensations to families of the killed soldiers.’ Notably, even the foreign observers know that the losses are being either concealed or reported back as deserters or those missing in action, while the relatives of the dead remain unawares. Obviously the authorities believe that the Ukrainians are in no need to know the information, because the real patriotism ought to be blind and stupid and at the same time resolute and firm. NSDC will name 300 heroes while the rest - ‘deserters/missing in action’ - will be filed to the police to be added to the list of wanted. Not only hackers and soldiers are saying about the criminal activities of Ukrainian authorities – ordinary Ukrainians who were touched by the war write about it: vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Fandrei_kurpskiy%2F51773593%2F8582%2F8582_900.png&post=-71999219_836 A man writes about a young soldier who was killed by drunken National Guard fighters for trying to defend civilians from those same fighters. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Fandrei_kurpskiy%2F51773593%2F8927%2F8927_900.png&post=-71999219_836 A man writes about complaints of the soldiers’ relatives, who have to buy bulletproof vests, food, uniform, military boots and other necessary for war stuff and send it all to their sons and husbands… vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Fandrei_kurpskiy%2F51773593%2F9016%2F9016_900.png&post=-71999219_836 A man writes about the lies of Ukrainian authorities: about the combat losses and money-laundering. And there’re dozens of such outbursts! Knowing all this, you see in a very different light the report of ‘mass desertions in Ukrainian Army’ made by the head of Ukraine’s Security Service Mr. Nalivaichenko to Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fic.pics.livejournal%2Fandrei_kurpskiy%2F51773593%2F9458%2F9458_900.jpg&post=-71999219_836 It may well be that many of those ‘deserters’ have long been dead. The list of facts I gave doesn’t completely cover the activity of Ukrainian authorities, however it is enough to manifestly show their true attitude towards the people. Power-hungry officials and bloody-handed generals are ready to list as deserters and traitors the citizens of Ukraine who on their call went to war and died. Regardless of the fact that I don’t understand the people who fight their countrymen and brothers, I find the acts of Ukrainian government utterly despicable. The most dismal thing about it all is even not the fact that families of the deceased (deserters) will not get any compensation and will live under the oppression of shame and reproof inflicted upon them by the bastards from the power clan, but the fact that the relatives of the dead will have to literally survive in a new Ukraine. No matter what the result of the war is, the country will see a high increase in ultra-radical pseudo-patriotic mood of the mob stirred even higher by the trials of ‘military criminals’ and hunt for those still hiding from ‘justice’, which will endanger the lives of families of the deceased soldiers. So as to hide its crimes the government of Ukraine will set its hoodlums, warmed up by the idea of war on traitors of Ukrainian people, at the families of those who fought and died for the people’s interests. vk/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fandrei-kurpskiy.livejournal%2F44704.html&post=-71999219_836
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:59:00 +0000

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