We received many worthy entries to our Poetry Prize contest, but - TopicsExpress


We received many worthy entries to our Poetry Prize contest, but in the end we could only choose one winner. It gives us great pleasure to announce the winning poem, ‘Woman’ by THERESE PACE. WOMAN To her, Nature has been kind and cruel. Fitted her with a heart that walks her strong, fragile, her soft pulpous endocarp tender with pain, flexed with resilience. In her special ordinariness she watches the world go by; suffers at its hands; appeases, dispensing with favours like bucketfuls of rain upon the sidewalk. A buttress, earthquakes will not shift her. Grappling, she vigils on midnight fevers; dims, recedes, draping her corporeity around her sentiments like a tee shirt. Her kinkiness has punch. Her dignity is weighed with mien. She carries creation on her navel like a pinafore. Man installs himself in the palace of her heart like original sin. Because of him she grows boughs upon trees, reaches for the moon; dwarfs, thrifting on choices and desires, learning to soar and nosedive. Her breasts are milk and honey. On them she wears her talisman like a scimitar, her paradox like a broach: lantern, olive sprig, sponge and kernel stone. Qrajt il-kotba ta’ Therese Pace ‘Arpeġġi’ u ‘Meta Tkellimni Hi...’ u nista’ ngħid li hi poetessa ta’ stoffa. Hija mħarrġa sew fit-teknika kemm dik moderna bil-varjanti tagħha, kif ukoll dik tradizzjonali. Fit-tematika tal-poeżiji tagħha titratta bosta temi fosthom il-femminiżmu fis-sens wiesa’ tal-kelma, kull tip ta’ abbużż li jġarrab il-bniedem, l-inġustizzji soċjali, il-moħqrija tal-annimali, id-diżastri li jġibu l-gwerer, l-ispiritwalità universali li tmur lil hinn mill-istituzzjonijiet sterili. Apparti minn dawn, bħal astronomu tgħarrex fil-ġewwieni tagħha u f’mumenti ta’ awtopsikanaliżi, allarmanti u rari toħrog biċċa mir-ruħ tas-subkonxju f’ emozzjonijiet imqanqla li jissarfu f’poeżija sublimi. Ma nistgħux ngħidu li Therese hija poetessa pessimista għax f’bosta mill-poeżiji nsibu tħeġġeġ fiha l-ħuġġieġa tal-ħajja. Il-klajmaks tal-poeżija tagħha huwa meta hi titwaħħad man-natura u ġġarrab frammenti mill-misteru tal-infinit. Fil-ktieb ‘Meta Tkellimni Hi..’ insibu ħafna kliem Malti safi li sfortunatament illum m’għadux mitħadded mill-poplu. Nagħlaq billi ngħid li Therese bdiet vjaġġ poetiku u qed itterraq fih b’intensità u maturità.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:50:53 +0000

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