We sat at the table, now littered with the remains of a good - TopicsExpress


We sat at the table, now littered with the remains of a good hearty meal. My tankard was full and grasped in my right hand. And for a change, my belly was full. Even though the stew had a strange taste to it, I ate my fill. Henray, clear the table please. Quan and I must speak for a time. Catherine said as she rose from her bench. The young man looked at her a moment wondering why he was set such a task for the women did the house hold things....then he saw the look upon her face. Aye. He answered as he began his chore. Chatherine look towards me then moved towards the pastures. My eye brow lifted taking my tankard in hand I followed her. We walked for a moment in silence as the early evening songs began to play. The air cool and yet warmth lingered upon the breezes. I drank and looked about me. The trees were in their autumnal splender. Golds, reds, greens, browns, yellows, all visions painted by the Greenmans hand. Henray spoke to me of a dream. One that has troubled me greatly. She said as our horses galloped up to us in greetings. Oh? I said as I rubbed my beasts neck right under his cheek. He always enjoyed this for that was the one spot he could never get to. Catherine greeted her own pony with a gift of a red fruit. My beast looked from her to me as if he wanted his own. Before I could say anything she tossed me another fruit that I gave to mine. He munched happily then both moved off once more but this time towards the stables. You were saying? He tells me that he saw a great multitude of men and women gathered upon a plain. All were armed and armored. Some on horse many on foot. In its center stood a grouping of men and one women. All held the markings of their clans upon their shield but one. His shield was blank. Empty of any markings. She stopped a moment then looked into my eye. I looked back and nodded for her to continue. You have such a shield. Yes. Why do you not have clan marking upon your shield? Now it was my turn to stop. I looked deeply into the past. A past better forgotten. I saw the Shadowen, what they did to my village, my family. I was one of the six survivors. All children. We were sent too another village under the protection of an old healer. My clan....that of the Sea Dwellers...were wiped out. I looked to Catherine and spoke. I have but one clan. That which encompasses all the clans of our lands. My leader is my Lady and the Thunderer. My Mother is the earth and my Father is of the sky. That Healer is all the answer you will get on this subject. What else did the boy see? I said without looking at her. She heard my words but also saw my right hand grasp the very air as if I held my sword in it. He spoke of a great battle with hoards of the Shadow creatures. He spoke of a woman in white coming to him and kissing his forehead. Speaking thusly. You will be the youngest of my Warriors. she once more looked to me. I did not answer for I knew what that meant for SHE spoke to me as well. He was to be one of the 100. Continue He said those in the center pulled great black swords from their scabbards. They raised them towards the sun and the swords began to sing. Each with a different voice and yet the same. The men and woman of that group called out in the voices of their clan totems then they joined as one in a great cry. Their number was small compaired to some of the other clans gathered there. And yet, they seemed more powerful than some who had gathered. Once more she stopped and looked at me, her hand gently placed upon my arm. Fear and sadness were within her eyes. They fought like deamons, killing everything in their path. Hundreds fell in that battle. Henray says he saw the one with no markings fall. I looked to the healer and smiled. If it the will of SHE who I honor then it will be. I placed my hand upon hers. Tell me, did he see more? Nay for that one thing scared him so greatly he awoke with a scream. I nodded. Perhaps it was but a bad dream. Nay for while you were so intent with your work, he took up one of you creations. And took it into the field yonder and it sang for him. Then he shall be one of the youngest Warriors for Her army. I said as I looked deeply int her eyes. We both know that this war will end with the deaths of many good men and women. But I know deep in my very soul that this land will be freed from the fear that these creatures bring upon us. Catherine hugged me suddenly speaking lightly into my chest you can not die. Not like this... I did not hear her words but I felt her sob. I held her for a time as I watched the sun slowly sink into the horizon. Come let us return. Darkness comes upon us quickly this time of the turning wheel.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:11:15 +0000

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