We see all the complaints labeled socialism for programs that help - TopicsExpress


We see all the complaints labeled socialism for programs that help hurting/struggling families... When will the American people call out the programs that give corporate welfare to companies making record profits? (Or do you even know about these?) Should these corporations receive hundreds of BILLIONS of tax payer subsidies? (CORPORATE WELFARE) Well... They are folks.. Why? Because they influence the policy makers by funding their campaigns goofs.. Pull corporate freebies and corporate subsidies out of the budget, leave the programs that help families, stop wars that sacrifice our sons and daughters that allow corporations to control other countries natural resources for corporate greed and wall street gains, and lets see how fast we get this puppy balanced. Oh.. And make the two percent pay what YOU pay percentage wise in income taxes.. They DONT, although the campaign speeches suggest it. Ive been reviewing tax returns on wealthy wealthy individuals since 1999.. Why... Do they all show a loss and have very little if not ZERO tax liabilty?? Hmmmmm.. Because they have the disposable income to take advantage of tax shelters in the tax code that has been written to help them not pay taxes.. Bingo!! Why does Oprah, Bill Gates and the like all have a nonprofit 503c organization or the like?? Lol.. Because if you run your wealth through these type of entities, you only have to donate 4-5% of the revenues to qualify and the rest is tax free!!! Then you can publicize yourself as a wonderful person by donating funds or starting schools abroad and paint a magnificent picture of yourself while youre avoiding federal income taxes. Cool gig huh? Its rigged folks. Rigged against YOU to keep you in your box.. Controlled, Working the rat race , paying taxes, helping corporations earn record profits while you struggle with student loans taken out to educate yourself to prepare yourself to go to work or them on a wage or salary that doesnt keep up or provided you with disposable income to create a retirement. Trap game guys! If you want out, PM me. Im setting up a course to show you how to work their model and put wealth in your families future. Last week, I turned 10,000 into 20,000 playing along with them.. You can too. Live well, Kevin.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:43:26 +0000

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