We see the courts and Congress unable to do anything BECAUSE the - TopicsExpress


We see the courts and Congress unable to do anything BECAUSE the Constitution is suspended and has been for several years. Facts. Listen to the first exchange. This is the reality of where we are. The congressman asks, If there is no judicial remedy and no electoral remedy Can we understand English? NO judicial or electoral remedy - there are only three branches, the Judicial and the elected Legislative. If the first two have NO REMEDY, (i.e. no legal power) that leaves all the power in the executive Branch. He answered there is the process of a constitutional convention to amend the constitution to TRY to re-instate Constitutional Governance. The congressman then comments, If that were to happen, why would an Executive with such disrespect for the constitution today honor an amended constitution from a constitutional convention. The expert answers, That is an excellent question. The answer is he can under present LAW, ignore it, since the constitution is suspended under Emergency Power, no constitutional ACT has any LEGAL FORCE. The third guy talking impeachment doesnt understand the statements of the first two. Since the answer to impeachment would be the same answer as to a Constitutional Convention. These people are operating under the restraints of the War Powers Act having been issued letters of national security where IF they mention the State of National Emergency and the Dictatorial power granted, they can be fined 500k and imprisoned without charges indefinitely, without right of trail, without right of habaeus corpus. FACT you cant find any LIBERTY in this. Can you define this anyway but Totalitarian Dictatorship? -- Commentary written by Piano Butch Robinson
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:23:50 +0000

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