We share the Faith that Jesus is Lord and I am sure we agree on - TopicsExpress


We share the Faith that Jesus is Lord and I am sure we agree on many issues and Gospel truths. But these prophecies regarding the Blood Moons are interpreted loosely and speculatively using words asserting things that fall apart under serious Biblical and Historical and Logical analysis under prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit. The order of events of the End of this World, where The Ant-Christ Establishes a Utopian Humanist-Atheist World Order by means of Winning a seemingly Prophetic War against the Forces of Evil and soon there After is revealed as a Satanic Agent that is Committing a Holocaust of Christians ad other Innocent but uncooperative Human Beings to his One World Order thereby causing a collapse in confidence of his rule and triggering the Great Tribulation, from which Christians are Raptured just in time to participate in The Wrath of God against the Failed and Fallen Babylon The Great, The One World Order as identified through its False Prophet Soft Power Arm (The Beast is the Hard Political Military Power) is as follows: 1. Armageddon is instigated by Satan and his Servants The Beast and False Prophet to resolve once and for all the Radical Islam, Israeli Palestinian, and ultimately, out of opportunity, the problem of all non-humanist, true-believer religion that interferes with the Secular and Morally Relativist Government the Beast-False-Prophet Anti-Christ Envisions as the real and only Solution to the Worlds Problem of Peace and Safety. So at the or by the end of Armageddon the World is Ruled by One World Government. Armageddon takes 42 months. - Revelation 13:5-10; 16:12-16 - By the way Revelation is written in code and several parts are modular and not chronological. 2. After Armageddon or by the end of it a One World Order is Consolidated and the Two Headed (Hard Power and Soft Power - looks like a lamb but speaks like a Dragon, etc.) Beast rises out of the Earth (a symbol for civil society in the Bible - Some transformation of the U.N. on Steroids?) and sets up the Humanist Utopia, which is successful as a Front to the Establishment of Peace and Safety for a relatively brief but undetermined time, which is like the Pregnancy of a Woman. During this time The Two-Headed Anti-Christ (which will have a Man as its Leader who is Possessed By Satan himself), will rule as God performing some remarkable accomplishments and signs, but all along committing atrocities in secret and not being solvent in anything but a public image. - Revelation 13:11-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Matthew 24:7-14 covers 1 and 2. 3. Then during this time of Peace and Safety and Humanist, Morally Relativist Utopia the Economic System Fails Completely and the Atrocities the Man of Lawlessness has been committing are unmasked. And Bam! The Great Tribulation Starts. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3; Revelation 13:15-18; 16:17-20; Revelation 18 is a stand alone not chronological chapter like is 17 but both have parts descriptive of The Great Tribulation as well. Matthew 24:15-21 covers 3 4. The Rapture happens at the Time of the Wrath of God, during the Great Tribulation, at least 3.5 years into it. - 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Revelation 7 [full chapter]; Revelation 19 [full chapter]; Zephaniah 1; Matthew 24:22-31 Covers 4. As for The Attack of Gog from Magog or Gog and Magog is once and for always at the end of Christs Millennial Rule a Thousand or more years after the Great Tribulation. This is after the second Resurrection hallmarked by the resurrection of the Patriarchs of Israel and the earthly Restoration of Israel, which happens after the first Resurrection and it is covered by Revelation 20 [full chapter] (reference Ezekiel 37-39; John 5:24-30; Matthew 19:27-30). There is more to say, but this gives you and all who read this an idea how convoluted the process has become. Let me state that the fact that these prophesies are all convoluted is not necessarily a sign of apostasy or disloyalty or disapproval by The Lord Jesus Christ. It is Prophetic and these disagreements over fulfillment stand on there own. The problem is that as the time rapidly approaches (and steps 1-4 above will happen within the next 15 years) there are further revelations that come quickly (2 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 4:12-13) must be disseminated, understood, and accepted so that at the point when Christians have to adapt in a pre-deterministic fashion to do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, as they did in the years previous to the Destruction of the Temple in the year 70 (Luke 21:21 - written about 15 to 10 years before), we can do so without doubt and vacillating. It is interesting to note that almost all of the prophetic interpretations point to the same time frame. We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us to the Full Revelation in Time. In the Name of Jesus. As for the Blood Moons? This is a sound teaching on that prophecy that will do nothing but get us in Trouble and possibly stir up tensions where none are needed or wanted. It is not Inspired by Holy Spirit.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 22:52:22 +0000

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