We should be upset, and this is an outrage. This is only going to - TopicsExpress


We should be upset, and this is an outrage. This is only going to set a precedent for those of us who are disabled to be killed off even just on the very belief that we are burdens to society, even when we are capable of enjoying independent and fulfilling lives. People think because I am blind that I cannot even wipe my own butt let alone live by myself. When these same people start hearing about all my other disabilities and conditions, you will be amazed at how all the ignorant comments I receive. I thought we were progressive enough of a society that we would be fighting for disabled people to have acceptance, dignity and inclusion, not looking for ways to kill them off. I would have expected a decision to be made like this in the early part of the 20th century and backwards. I would not expect this to be okay today. What is even more outrageous is that the mom who is ending her daughters life also states that doctors should be able to make this decision without the consent and knowledge of parents and caregivers. She says that The last day was the hardest of my life. It was absolutely horrifying. I miss my beautiful girl every day and although I know it was the right thing to do, I will never forgive myself. It shouldnt have to be a mothers decision to end their childs life, doctors should be able to take that away from you. Well, dummy! I do not feel sorry for you. I hope you cry over what you call your beautiful girl every single day of your life. I hope she haunts you in your dreams, and I hope you live with that pain and termoil for the rest of your entire life, never finding peace. You had no right to end her life in the cruel way that you did. Even animals get put to sleep in a more humane way than how this girl was killed. Just like Terri Schiavo, this child was starved to death. So, I am guessing that those of us who are disabled are now regarded as less than animals? If there were such a place as hell, you would rot there forever. May your heart break into pieces, you sick excuse of a human being. You are nothing more than a murderer. You should go and join the Nazi party. After all, you espouse their beliefs. I would not want a doctor making that decision without my consent when it comes to my loved ones. Are you kidding?!!!!!!!!! First of all, that is a decision I would never make. Second of all, a doctor is not God, thus cannot decide who lives or dies. If doctors get this right, I would just stop going to them because how do I know they will not try to end my life? I am blind, have Chronic Systemic Candida, severe Asthma, numerous allergies and sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ASD and have Arthritis. While I know in my heart my life has meaning, they may follow their ignorant beliefs and decide otherwise and do something behind my back to kill me. We are living in very scary times. There is not ever a good reason to take someones life. itv/news/2014-10-26/mother-wins-right-to-end-disabled-daughters-life/
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:56:23 +0000

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