We should do something not because it will make us win or because - TopicsExpress


We should do something not because it will make us win or because of the outcome, but we should do it because Allah tells us to do it. Then we should leave the results to Allah. We are soldiers of Allah; we should forget about the outcomes and do it because Allah orders us to do it. We leave everything in the hands of Allah. We don’t know the ghaib (unseen). In addition, we do not judge our actions based on the outcome to figure out whether or not we were right or wrong. Instead we judge our actions based on whether they conform to Allah’s command or not. For example, a Muslim who converts a non-Muslim to Islam; it shouldn’t be said about him, “That person is such a good da’ee because he brought someone into Islam.” We don’t judge him as a successful da’ee because of the number of people he brought into Islam. We judge him on if he’s giving da’wah according to the way of the messenger Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) or not. If his da’wah is based on Rasoolullah’s way, he has succeeded even if no one accepts his da’wah. In addition, he is doing it wrong if it is not according to Rasoolullah’s (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) way even if loads of people are becoming Muslim. Look at Nuh (‘elayhi Assalaam); was he successful or a failure? According to these standards, he’s a failure; and it is un-Islamic to say that. On the Day of Judgment, we know that some of the Anbiya (prophets) will come with very few followers and some will come with no followers whatsoever. Can we say they failed? They are the nabi and lived for da’wah. He did what Allah told him to do and therefore he is correct. Therefore, we don’t judge on the outcome nor should we attempt to change the style of the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) because “We live in new times”. This is a significant flaw in the Ummah today; we judge everything according to the outcome. That is how Islamic Movements even function! It may have to do with Western influence. We are treating our Islam like a business; they judge their success based on the outcome. If they aren’t making much money at the end of the day, then something’s wrong and they have to look into it. We cannot treat our ‘Ibadah like this; we do things because Allah told us to do it whether it leads to a good outcome or a bad outcome; that is up to Allah. We cannot control the results. And if someone judges according to the outcome, then they should say that Uhud was an utter failure and Rasoolullah (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) should not have fought; he was mistaken. Nobody dares to say this. We say Rasoolullah(Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) is right because he was doing what he was told to do: Jihad fe Sabeelillah. The people of nifaq look at Jihad as the following: “If Jihad brings power, position, wealth and booty, then we’ll join the Mujahideen. But if Jihad is going to cost us our life, wealth, power, and position, then no, we should not join; it’s not hikmah.” Another way to show that Jihad is the way and the outcome is not something we should worry much about is that before the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) passed away, he sent out an army of 3000 to fight the Roman Empire. But when Rasoolullah (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) died, the army wasn’t at the Roman Empire yet; they were camping in where the army would assemble. That’s where the army base was. When Rasoolullah (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) died, all of the Arabs around the State became murtadeen; they were apostates. So the Sahaba said the army of 3000 should stay here since we have other priorities. They said “It’s not an appropriate time for us to seek a fight with the Roman Empire when we have an immediate danger in the outskirts of Medina!” This was also the opinion of Usama bin Zayd himself, the head of the army. Usama sent a verbal message to Abu Bakr through ‘Umar saying that the majority of the Muslims are with him and they all agree that they should not leave the Khalifa of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) alone in Medina as well as the wives of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) without protection. Also, they didn’t want to leave Medina alone without any fighters. What did Abu Bakr say? He said: {“Even if dogs dragged the feet of the wives of Rasoolullah, I am going to send this army. And even if no one is left in Medina but me, I will still send out this army because Rasoolullah said so.”} Abu Bakr is implying here that he doesn’t care about the outcome. If everyone is killed and he’s the only person left, he’s still going to send out this army. And if it gets so bad that dogs start to drag the wives of Rasoolullah, he is still going to send out this army. Abu Bakr is saying he is going to do what Rasoolullah (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) said even if the outcome is not good. This completely defies the logic of people who say let’s weigh the benefit and harm of everything till everything in Shari’ah becomes a vegetable soup; everything is lost. You won’t have any more constants in Shari’ah left because they subjugate everything to the rule of benefit and harm. SubhanAllah, the whole issue of fighting fe sabeelillah brings harm; you are putting your life and wealth in danger! This is a mafsada and not a maslaha since you are putting yourself and your wealth in danger. Also, we cannot make ijtihaad on this issue of Jihad. Can you make ijtihaad on Salat on whether or not to do it? You cannot because it is a constant. The order for salat is fixed. The issue of Abu Bakr was an ijtihaad. If it wasn’t, then the Sahaba wouldn’t have spoken against it. We need to do what Allah ordered us to do regardless of the outcome. Many people bring tons of arguments against doing Jihad Fe Sabeelillah today because the outcome will not be good. Our reply should be: {“We are not responsible for the outcome. Jihad is fard al ‘ayn, so we need to do it even if dogs are going to snatch away our families.”} As the Muslim army was on their way to the Roman Empire, they crossed over an Arab territory that was planning on attacking the Muslims. They saw that they were heading towards the Roman Empire and said to themselves: “If these men have enough strength to fight the Romans, they must have more strength back home in Medina to protect it!” So they changed their decision and did not attack the Muslim army. SubhanAllah. Allah put fear into the hearts of the kuffar, even when the Muslims were at their low; if the Muslims are sincere, Allah will help. What was the response of the Romans when they heard about the Muslims coming? Heracle (Roman Emperor) received the news of the death of the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘elayhi Wasalam) and the army that was sent out on the same day. He said: “If these people’s leader died and on the same day his army is sent out to fight, there must be something going on.” So they refused to fight the Muslims. This is what it means by leaving the end results or the outcome in the hands of Allah. This is the kind of example we need to follow. The army of Usama enters the Roman Empire and not one Roman soldier faces them. He takes booty and heads back towards Medina. This is the meaning of the ayah: {“And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out, and He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine.”} [at Talaq 2-3] As long as you have taqwa, Allah is with you. The more you increase your taqwa, the more He will find a way out for you.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 19:20:43 +0000

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