We should go ahead and let some of the people hate us - we can’t - TopicsExpress


We should go ahead and let some of the people hate us - we can’t please everyone. But our enemies, those who make us stand out in sharp relief for those qualities we have and they don’t - qualities like integrity, transparency, strategic intelligence, and rationality - will help us extend our support base with people who won’t desert us. Everything in life, especially in Colorado politics, conspires to push us to the middle. That’s the land of compromise. It’s important to get along with other people - we don’t want to be bulls in china shops. But there’s a danger in that - by finding that conciliation, that compromise position for the sake of tranquility, we forget who we are and end up in the depths of the center with everyone else. Instead, we should see ourselves as fighters, outsiders surrounded by enemies. This battle keeps us strong, alert, creative, agile. It helps us define what we believe in. By choosing our enemies, by more clearly defining who we do *not* want to be, the clearer our sense of identity and purpose is. My enemies are those who are trying to drag this country to the middle. Trying to water down our fight for America. Trying to convince me that the best way is the middle way, that I need to learn to compromise, that I need to stop standing so firmly on principle and learn to get along with the great diversity in our party and our country - which reportedly is the source of our strength, so I heard last night. I don’t want to stand in the middle. I want to save this country. The only way I can do that is to stand firm in what I believe, and have a stronger force of personality than anyone else in the room. Think what we could do with a dozen people like that. What about 100? 10,000? A million? 150 million? People strong in their beliefs, willing to stand in stark contrast to those who don’t. Willing to call out and define our enemies and take on that fight without flinching. So to all those who say we need to compromise in order to have a seat at the table, I say - I don’t accept crumbs from the master’s table. To those who tell me that I need to not air our internal dirty laundry in public, I say - it’s not internal when I’m talking about those who have declared war on me and my principles. To those who tell me I need to be politically correct, and see that the strength of our party lies in its diversity, I say - I believe our strength lies in the truth of our principles, and we cannot compromise those in the name of “diversity”. Talk is cheap. How about we define our enemies and get to work defeating them?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:48:09 +0000

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