We should revive the usage of Napalm upon these ISIS bastards, - TopicsExpress


We should revive the usage of Napalm upon these ISIS bastards, using the A-10 Warthog as the delivery system to insure the accuracy of the strikes. (As opposed to the administrations current, and already proven to be completely inefficacious, high-altitude bombing strategy, which type of strategy has already historically proven to be an complete, utter, and dismal abject FAILURE in Vietnam. And which complete inefficaciousness is obviously the true intent of this “Closet Jihaddist in Chief,” While they are still providing, and have Not rescinded the order to provide, the Arms, Munitions, hardware, and Vehicles to this same ISIS contingent through the supply of the ISIS “insurgents” in Syria.) ..As the A-10 is assigned to the Army Air-Corps as Close Support for ground troops, this usage of the A-10 would require Boots on the Ground for correct deployment. The A10s standard Napalm delivery method is called “The 500 Pound Multi-Purpose Bomb.” However, the Napalm of this ordinance needs to be only slightly modified for this specific deployment application. Heres why: The fanatical jihaddist contingent (by whatever nomenclature flavour of the month name they might currently call themselves,) hold this fervent theological belief that if they are in any way “Tainted with Pork Products” at the time of their demise, they are bared from entry into what they deem to be their version of Heaven, and therefore will not receive their (whatever the constantly fluctuating number currently is) number of virgins there. ..As such, the Napalm content of these munitions needs to be modified to contain 0.5 percent Pigs Blood in the Napalm mix. (Napalm by its very formulation, tenaciously sticks to whatever it is delivered upon while it burns.) In other words: Literally Napalm these ISIS bastards directly to Hell!! -Luke 12:5 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) “But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.“ https://youtube/watch?v=LfIrs9vzCxM
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 20:56:37 +0000

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