We shouldnt expect respect unless we are willing to give it first. - TopicsExpress


We shouldnt expect respect unless we are willing to give it first. Do everyone a favor. Be a parent, a REAL parent in your kids lives. Be the good example and our kids wont grow up not showing respect to authority figures. Not just cops; teachers, you, etc.. Stop teaching your kids to play the victim card so that they can get away with sh*t they know is wrong. Yes, there is good and bad in anyone, anything, anywhere. But, negative stereotypes exist because we, as a community allow them to. We keep giving people a pass on the wrong they do because we are too afraid, too lazy, too entitled to call that person out. Yesterday, I called out the neighbor behind my apt. He was super blasting the car stereo with gansta, kill-the-cops music. My daughter is trying to nap; she can hear it; she understands what is being said. I told him to Turn that ignorant sh*t off or I will call the cops on your @ss. Dont even get me on cursing when that trash was being played. He starts acting like Im about to hurt him (really?! through a fence?!). Ok, ok. Ill turn it off. Sorry. My bad, my bad. Damn... with his hands up. Ignorant sh*t, whose the racist now? This is what I have to put up with as a white person on my side of town, where I am a minority in the true numerical meaning of the word. They dont see Im married to a black man with a mixed child. They see my pale complexion; hear me calling them out on the stupid stuff they are doing; and try to use their color to get a pass or an attitude. Something as got to change! My daughter will have to put up with this idiots kids or kids like him. Who can blame me for wanting to isolate her from people like this? Home schooling is looking better and better everyday. Id be sad that she would be lonely but, we can plan social outings and I can trust her without me when she (very sadly) realizes she has to be careful of the evil people do and can defend herself.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:31:17 +0000

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