We sit and complain about racism and slave trade as the reason why - TopicsExpress


We sit and complain about racism and slave trade as the reason why as a black man you are a failure. Although I say no to racism, i am very angry that my forefathers didnt have the sense, foresight and knowledge, to build ships, arm them with guns, leave the shores of Africa and go bring whites to work for us, right here. Are we saying the whites were more forward thinking than us? Slavery was not new in Africa, way before the white man came for the first black man, we had slaves, we fought our wars and won. why didnt we ever take the battle to them? so please, please shut up and find a away out but stop blaming the past foolishness and lack of foresight for our downfall. A more superior person ( superiority based on absolute foresight and need for economic expansion), beat you to the game along time ago, please wake up, stop crying fowl and make that change. There is no documented story or myth of any African community going to Europe to go colonize any European country, who went and died, as warriors or Explorers. No record whatsoever... At least if we tried and failed we will understand. We are responsible for our predicament as blacks. Big up to all civil rights movement activist that have fought and still fight for the cause of blacks... However, we need a new kind of fight, Its not the fight of guns, protest etc.. We need a black mental revolution which is built on stealth and foresight. The way Europeans took us by storm in Africa, we need a new group of thinkers and doers who also help take our destiny into our hands. Trust me only blacks can, and should solve our own problems.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:17:41 +0000

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