We spent several years in Word of Faith Churches and agree with - TopicsExpress


We spent several years in Word of Faith Churches and agree with the teaching that we get what we say. But it is not a “just saying” something that will cause it to happen. Jesus said in Mark 11: 23, “TRULY I SAY TO YOU, WHOEVER SAYS TO THIS MOUNTAIN, BE TAKEN UP AND BE PUT INTO THE SEA; AND HAS NO DOUBT IN HIS HEART, BUT HAS FAITH THAT WHAT HE SAYS WILL COME ABOUT, HE WILL HAVE HIS DESIRE.” (BBE) Too often that middle phrase is forgotten, “AND HAS NO DOUBT IN HIS HEART.” Doubt is “to be at variance with one’s self, hesitate,” Doubt is unbelief! Jesus had prefaced the remark by saying, “HAVE GODS FAITH.”(MARK 11:22 BBE) God has no doubt; He calls what is not as though it is. If God says it; it happens! Believe in the work of God and His operation, a free grace gift which has God for its object, is supported by His power and encouraged by His goodness, truth and faithfulness. If God resides in us and we are filled with His Spirit, our words should always and only be the words we hear Him saying so they become His words through us. That gives them the SAME power as when Jesus spoke them. Jesus then added, “FOR THIS REASON I SAY TO YOU, WHATEVER YOU MAKE A REQUEST FOR IN PRAYER, HAVE FAITH THAT IT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO YOU, AND YOU WILL HAVE IT.” (MARK 11:24 BBE) That is our only test of faith; seeing the fulfillment before it happens. Jesus said to “HAVE FAITH THAT IT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO YOU.” If I remember anything from English class “HAS BEEN GIVEN” means that it is already done. How does our “FAITH” pass this test? It is not “name it and claim it” as many would like to believe. We can say it until our tongues get raw, if we are just hoping God will do something, He won’t! If we believe that God’s grace has already supplied our request when we pray, we will realize the fulfillment of it. Thank God for His written Word so we can obtain knowledge of What Jesus said in different circumstances. Praise the LORD for His Spirit that gives us revelation of How to be victorious in our situations. Give all glory to Jesus for giving us His life of victory (Who we are) over every circumstance! Fullness of Grace Ministry International declares love, joy and peace to you in the fullness of grace. (tep)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:51:01 +0000

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