We talk about their faults When we get married to each other - TopicsExpress


We talk about their faults When we get married to each other , then we start seeing their faults, it the way they squeeze the tooth paste, they just set there and grind their teeth, they always have to have their time with their friends while I am setting at home alone, they drive with two feet , they are always clearing their throat, they never wear matching clothes, they always need others to praise the things they do, instead of wiping their mouth on the napkin they always wipe their mouth on their sleeve, and on and on. There are others who set and complain of how others live their lives, as though they needed to check with them before taking their next breath. Some need to criticize other to feel better about themselves, after all shouldnt they be living just like we do? And when we are driving in a new car , do we not look at those in old cars feeling so much better than they are? The fact is we are all different many of the things each of us do is a product of what we personally saw when we were growing up, from how to raise our children to how to cook or even when we should take a bath in the morning or in the evening when we arrive home . Some of these thing just dont set well with others who do not do things the same way , so we look down on them as flaws, and in some instances ,feel puffed up in ourselves because we are not like them. Many school children do this to each other and some are so humiliated they break down and cry or worse. Some call this bullying , yet this does not truly fit the act , for it is our own self proclaimed pride that makes us think we are right and all other should do as we are. The fact is we are all individuals with our own way of doing things, not to say there is not a better way to do something, only that some have not seen that there is a better way to do what they have always done their way. There is a way to show others how to improve on what they do by encouraging them with an alternative way, likewise if they choose not to do that our way are they wrong that we may put them down for it ? John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Is they one without fault?
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:07:39 +0000

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