We tend to disregard the lack of aesthetic nourishment in most - TopicsExpress


We tend to disregard the lack of aesthetic nourishment in most peoples lives. This generally means a lack of nature. We are not integrated into nature as we once were, which is obvious enough. What we dont talk about is that the deprivation of living within beautiful environments dwarfs the soul and numbs the senses. We need beauty in our lives with an appreciation of art and music. We need aesthetically nurturing invironments to satisfy our being. Today there is such a lack of that we have forgotten its importance in providing a healthy mind and body. Beauty is a necessity few of us can afford. We live in a vapid world and have been conditioned to accept it no longer aware that aesthetic nurturing is a prime concern that is not being considered. So what is the solution? Is it good enough to go to a park? or enjoy the trees we have in our yards? or visit beautiful old buildings? listen to Bach on the radio and have prints of great paintings on our walls? It seems as though the best we can afford is the occasional trips to the beach where along with the fun we experience our primal need for the majesty and simple comfort that nature in its,seemingly, pristine state provides. I grew up in a subdivision, a mind numbing invironment of squat houses lined up in rows with a small yard for each. My mother tried to make our yard as beautiful as possible but in the end it wasjust a half an acre with flowers and a fence around it. Imagine growing up in a project in Philadelphia, the ugly sameness of the buildings, the trashed open areas to sit and comtemplate in. Everything we do, everywhere we live should be integrated into nature with mans manifestation of it, art, being supported and mirroring in archetypes this lovely place we have to live and the life enhancing quality that beauty, whether it be music, art or a rainbow over a mountain range can provide. Lack of aesthetic beauty is contributing in a larger way tha is thought of to our dwindling sensibilities about the joy of living. The cities, large or small, we live in,the subdivisions we grow up in, the lack of appreciation were taught are as damaging as any factor in our becoming machine like, becoming herd like. Aesthetic nourishment is the worst misunderstood danger in our lives. Just as you cannot talk rationally to an irrational person, you want be able to convince many to come to your cause. They are simply too numbly accepting the ugliness they live and work in, they produce their children in that they think it a non-issue. It will get worse so go to the beach and wonder at the vast ocean. Go to the parks where, if you listen, the wind and rocks,trees and streams will whisper to you that you once lived in beauty and harmony in its living prescence.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 10:54:39 +0000

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