We tend to exalt the Givers in our world and trash the Takers. You - TopicsExpress


We tend to exalt the Givers in our world and trash the Takers. You know what I’m talking about: we call them generous or selfish, kind or rude without ever looking at the Truth of most of them. Wondering what that truth is? Truth #1: Most Givers give and give and give until they are depleted and exhausted and in pain. Most Takers take and take and take until they deplete and exhaust and cause pain to others. Truth #2: Most Givers, being in this place of depletion, exhaustion and pain, refuse to receive the gifts of others. Most Takers, seeing others in this place of depletion, exhaustion and pain, refuse to give their gifts to others. Truth #3: A Giver’s refusal to receive comes from a place of unworthiness – I’m not good enough to receive. So they keep giving to fill a void they feel within themselves until they are so depleted they have nothing left to give. A Taker’s refusal to give comes from a place of unworthiness – I have nothing of real value to offer. So they keep taking to fill a void they feel within themselves until those around them have nothing left to give. The Real Truth It all boils down to this, the Real Truth, the one to read over and over again, the one to absorb and think on and embrace: Both are doing the same thing. Both givers and takers are creating an environment of lack, pain, fear, unworthiness, conflict and discord. Both are depleting someone. Both are robbing from others, either of what they give or the experience of giving. Both are being inauthentic to themselves and others. Both are really just reacting to their own pain. Neither are Digging Deep into the experience; they are merely skimming the superficial with their repeated actions. Here’s my point: “Giving” and “taking” aren’t even part of the equation when you understand the Truth and value of our connections. That’s when our experience with it transforms into the flow of creating value in one another’s lives, and our own. Are you “giving and taking” or creating value? 10 Want to explore this deeper? Organic Wisdom for Unconventional Women Lets DIG IN together. Into Life, our challenges and our authentic self (without all the stuff we have layered on top). Lets see where we can go. Signup to receive deeper notes of love and Organic Wisdom here. FILED UNDER: ORGANIC WISDOM TAGGED WITH ABUNDANCE, CORE BELIEFS, GIVING, GRATITUDE, RECEIVING, TRUTH, VALUE
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:51:02 +0000

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