We the people have lost control of our destiny. We entrusted our - TopicsExpress


We the people have lost control of our destiny. We entrusted our well being to politicians who violated that trust for selfish pur Our values have been abandoned; our people have been betrayed; our economy has been wrecked; our future is being lost. This is not the fault of either party. It is the fault of both parties. They both have been complicit in the decline of the country we love. Neither is willing to accept responsibility. Neither is willing to change. Accordingly, we the people have lost confidence in their stewardship and are no longer willing to accept their leadership. We will take control of our own destiny. This nation was founded upon the bedrock principle that all rights come from God and that only God is entitled to limit or revoke them. These rights include life, liberty, and property. It is only through the vigorous defense of these rights that a people can pursue their happiness. As long as we honored this code, our nation flourished and its people prospered. In recent decades, however, we have abandoned this creed. We put our faith in secular values and government management instead of eternal truths and individual initiative. The consequences were predictable — even inevitable. Our morals decayed, our political system became corrupt, our government grew dysfunctional, our economy collapsed, our people suffered, our future is in jeopardy. We will not heal the land by continuing to follow the path that is leading us to ruin. We have an alternative. We have a proven standard, a faithful guide. We know what will work because we have seen what has worked. Our destiny lies in our heritage. We will remember, and we will rebuild. We will take back control of our nation and our destiny. We will rebuild according to those principles that made us great. We will restore the glory of America and let it once again become a light to illuminate the way for others. We will not fail. We appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:16:19 +0000

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