We the people of the United States no matter what creed, religion - TopicsExpress


We the people of the United States no matter what creed, religion or color must unite and stop these corrupted criminal politicians from destroying our country. The Clintons under Article 1 section 5 of the constitution did the investigation on Obama the criminal traitor fraud qualifying him as a presidential candidate. The plan entailed that Obama would concede the democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton and Obama aka Barry Sotero become the secretary of state. Obama relied on massive voter fraud and Bill Clinton in retaliation exposed Obamas fraudulent birth certificate Obama the traitor fraud in return resorted to the race card. The Clintons throughout their political career have always been thieving communist scum and by all means anti-American, anti-Christian & anti-Catholic - see the Clinton murders..see White Water. The Clintons have always relied on voter fraud by Bill Ayers a convicted terrorist who tried to blow up the Pentagon and killed a cop ... Bill Ayers and Obama were both criminals in the underground movement and their expertise lay in documents fraud and voter fraud. Bill Ayers a convicted terrorist who tried to blow up the Pentagon and killed a cop was pardoned by Bill Clinton. The linchpin behind the violations of our constitution, voting rights, massacres, stand down orders, the flooding of our country with illegals involves the looting of our countrys fortune and the 43 trillion dollar banksters racketeering scheme currently pending in Brooklyn Federal Court. The corrupted politicians include and are not limited to the Clintons that own major stock in NBC and other media affiliated studios, Obama, Eric Holder, George Soros, Susan Rice, Jarred, and other corrupted politicians and corrupted judges who continue to protect the looting of Americas fortune by these criminals without prosecution or conviction due to involvement. George Soross bank West One and other banks are also involved in the 43 trillion dollar bankster racketeering scheme that involve the laundering of drug monies and other corruption throughout the United States. Obama the criminal traitor fraud holds the keys to the rigged elections that resulted in the coup de tat in America in an attempt of protecting these criminal political misfit thieves from prosecution, conviction and sentencing. Chuck Hagel owned the virus voting machines as George Soross owned the company in Spain that rigged the elections and resulted in the coup de tat in America. Obama the criminal traitor fraud devised this illegitimate scheme and was in fact the Fox in charge of the hen house. Republican advocates were always border line and the lesser of two evils and are constantly used in an attempt to appease the people of the violations, acts of treason and corruption currently pending in the United States. The United States has by far become the most corrupted country in the world by relying on greed, corruption, massive voter fraud, rigged elections resulting in a premeditated coup de tat as Obamas terroristic illegitimate reign of terror continues to benefit by crime, greed and corruption. These blatant violations of the law have spawn a reign of terror and sheer lawlessness throughout our country that violates our constitution, creating acts of treason, stand down orders, massacres that have resulted in human sacrifices without warrant or prosecution because it makes no difference to this terroristic reign of terror. Obama the criminal traitor fraud and his criminal cohorts have with intent and premeditation devised and carried out the flooding of our country with illegals in an attempt to evade removal, prosecution and conviction for his murderous acts of treason and continued looting of our countrys fortune. The corrupted politicians and corrupted federal court judges continue to turn a blind eye stand to these blatant violation in an attempt to protect these blatant acts of treason, violations of our constitution, our laws and American Sovereignty due to their own monetary gain and criminal involvement. We the people of the United States must remove Obama and his terroristic reign of terror, prosecute, convict and hang these traitors in the interest of justice and national security for the well being of America. Joseph Christian Henry Ardito
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:32:39 +0000

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