We think were fit because we can do pull-ups. We think were tough - TopicsExpress


We think were fit because we can do pull-ups. We think were tough because weve done an obstacle race and crawled in the mud. We think we do functional training because we strengthen the core on a bosu. Not bad at all, really. In fact, lets seriously praise whoever puts time, efforts and energy into bettering and strengthening oneself in body and mind, because sadly most of the modern population doesnt even care for their own physical shape and ability. Lets encourage everyone to get to move again, to move more, to move better, to move more often. Our modern notion of fit or tough may not match the real-life of the man and people in the video below. It is easy to think that theyre primitive, un-evolved. After all, what do they know about fitness, exercise, strength & conditioning, exercise science? Anything at all? Do they even have a well-equipped gym? Ellipticals? Power-plates? Are they following any science-based training plan? Are they using apps on their smart phones, to track progress, get motivated? Are they counting calorie intake? Are they weighing themselves on the scale, looking at their bod in the mirror? Dont get me wrong, I certainly do not mean, in any way, to dismiss any of the approaches and strategies mentioned above, far from it. Modern, civilized humans do not live in nature, have different needs, tastes or expectations, and the fitness industry as a whole reflects that condition. At MovNat, we too use a method and programming for training and coaching. We adapt our practice to artificial, indoors environments, use manufactured equipments. We too benefit from the knowledge generated by specialized sports, exercise science, and other sciences and fields of study related to movement, performance, and health. In that sense, were no different. Back to the point, the question is, how on Earth can these people be possibly fit? Just because of naturally better genes? It would be quite convenient to believe so. The answer is simpler. They follow nature, in term of context, including environmental, situational variables and demands. They also follow their biological nature in term of evolutionary movement patterns and physiological adaptations. Following nature outside and within is the plan. It is the program. It is the method. And obviously, it works, not just, or mostly in term of how they look, but how they are able to move and perform at high levels of competency. Just watch. This is FIT, and this is TOUGH. It is our original human nature in motion before we domesticated ourselves. It is natural movement. Try it at home as soon as you can, by crawling, jumping, running, etc...You dont have to climb high on a roof, just hang to a bar and swing to begin with. Dont be a jackass, go easy, progressively, safely. Maybe learn some techniques and principles so you can do it even better. It is in your nature after all! Isnt it high time we collectively start re-EMPOWERING our HUMAN NATURE, folks? Erwan Incredible 40m tree climb & bee attack ow.ly/DDKef
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:18:16 +0000

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