We usually think of hair as just being a matter of personal - TopicsExpress


We usually think of hair as just being a matter of personal preference, but in reality its much more than that. Nature put every hair on your body for a reason. The hair of the legs regulates the glandular system and stabilizes a person’s electromagnetic field. The hair under the armpits protects the very sensitive area where the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems come together; this affects the brain and your energy level. Eyebrows protect the eyes from sun and sweat. Facial hair on men covers the moon center on the chin and protects them from excessive moon energy. The hair on top of the head is very long, while the hair on the body is short. If it were only for warmth, the hair on the body would be long also. We only have long hair right over the brain. We are practically the only creatures designed this way. Some say hair is your antenna to receive a picture of the subtle world around you, to tell when people are lying, to feel things before they happen, etc.. The natural intelligence of the body is to maintain its hairs. If you allow the hair on the head to grow undisturbed; it will grow to a certain length required by your body and then it will stop. Perhaps you have noticed among Sikhs who do not cut their hair that hair length is different for each person. Each body has its own requirement. The hair also reflects the health of the individual. It has been proven scientifically that people who have long hair tend to be less tired, more energetic and less likely to become depressed. People who have long hair also conserve energy and don’t feel the cold of winter the same as people with short hair. A person who has short hair wastes his body’s energy. A person who cuts his hair over his lifetime forces the body to grow 22 meters of replacement hair. A person who keeps his hair only produces 1.5 meters of hair over his lifetime. I think the Natives had it right when they treated hair as a necessary component to their spiritual life. I have personally been growing my hair for years now, and I don’t think I will wear it short ever again. I just feel more natural and more attuned with myself when it’s long. If we truly were made in the image of something divine, why not embrace our natural state? - See more at: spiritscienceandmetaphysics/the-truth-about-long-hair-spiritual-power-and-why-natives-wore-their-hair-long/#sthash.te9bmvt9.dpuf - See more at: spiritscienceandmetaphysics/the-truth-about-long-hair-spiritual-power-and-why-natives-wore-their-hair-long/#sthash.te9bmvt9.dpuf Yogi Bhajan was the wealthy Indian emigrant and guru who introduced Kundalini Yoga to the United States. On the topic of cutting one’s hair, he said: Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been depriving ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality… When the hair on your head is allowed to attain its full, mature length, then phosphorous, calcium, and vitamin D are all produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid, and eventually the spinal fluid through the two ducts on the top of the brain. This ionic change creates more efficient memory and leads to greater physical energy, improved stamina, and patience… Your hair is not there by mistake. It has a definite purpose, which saints will discover and other men will laugh at.” -
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:55:42 +0000

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