We want JUSTIC PLUS 20 LAKHS NCB MEMBERS AWAITS RAHUL GANDHI JEE FOR FULFILLING THE COMMITTMENT OF AFFILIATION OF NCB. RAHUL JEE TO DECIDE. WILL RAHUL GANDHI AND INC LEADERS DO THE JUSTICE: A MATTER OF SERIOUS CONCERN. As we need to fight for our rights too and for the knowledge and kind information to Rahul Gandhijee and respected INC Leaders that as we know that National Congress Brigade (NCB) under the National President Dr. Akash Goyal and Madam Madhu Rana and all the members of NCB are doing great works in all the states of India. In total, its plus twenty two lakhs NCB members (which will double up on official enlisting) who are working at the Grass root level for strengthening Congress. As we have been assured to be affiliated directly under AICC before last August 2013 ,but till so far no development had taken place. Then we were given time till november 2013 but no news of it has reached us. NCB central committee will take a decision on the basis that despite working so hard for strengthening Congress at each and every level, the Congress High commands have disrespected us and our works and have no concerns for our devotion towards strengthening Congress. So out of disappointment and unjustified treatment towards the NCB members efforts , the central team of NCB is on a serious discussion for forming a new party which will be formed after november and it will work on the national and state levels. Personally speaking then i shall comment that NCB deserves to be affiliated because of its grand dedication towards Congress and also for its tremendous achievements for strengthening congress at each and every level and which is far greater then the efforts of many office bearers of AICC or any Pradesh Congress Committee. I dont want NCB to leave congress but wants NCB to be in congress with all the members of entire states of India and work for INC under its Frontal organ as NCB. NCB needs immediate attention of Rahul Gandhi Jee, Sonia Gandhijee, Ahmed Patel Jee and Digvijay Singh jee and our other respect leaders to look into the matter of Affiliation of NCB on urgent basis with serious concern and work for uniting all Congress workers. The failure on the part of response shall be taken in the form that Rahul Gandhijee and Sonia Gandhijee are surrounded by few people and they have no freedom and under the supervisions of these few peoples who because of their personal interests doesnt wants grass root congress workers politically but as mere workers of congress used for personal gains and to remain in power and that cannot be tolerated and decisions are being taken in this regard
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 05:25:57 +0000

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