We wanted to share this write up from Jacob Nash who spent an - TopicsExpress


We wanted to share this write up from Jacob Nash who spent an entire day, and part of the next morning, running with Perry through Indiana! Thanks Jake! Perry Newburn asked what my favorite part of the day following along in his journey was. Here is my answer. It was Immediate comfort running along side who to me eventually became a new friend. Through 65 miles of Indiana became continuous reminders of an experience never to be forgotten. Other than the initial introduction to Perry, a tree of hawks of more than a dozen i bet, was my first stand out memory and early in the day. Then every 4-5 miles a support team of two, Angie and Becky, made me feel like I had a purpose for being there. Their unquestionable trust and positive attitudes kept it fun and broke up the day. I lied when i said at one point the flowers were the brightest things i saw. Of course it was them. Which leads me to the home of those flowers where we met the back road. A road that seem to take us out of the corn and soy beans. It was beautiful with movie set streams, architecturally designed looking dead trees, peacocks running across a field of goats and lamb, and at the end....lunch time! By now the sun really started to over stay its welcome adding what felt like an extra 10 lbs. to my pack and as if water was a delusion; great going down but seem to evaporate before it would hydrate. Without the sun though wouldnt have allowed the short acts of memory loss to the pain starting to set in. Along the road where the big trees stood created shade and a breeze that felt like a season change. I would close my eyes at times taking in such a peaceful feeling not to mention the sound of a sigh from Perry beside me enjoying it just as much as me. Then came my first break away from all natural organic food and supplements. Thanks to Angie and Becky for going out of their way to get...A Chocolate Shake! Oh my! It was about 50k in and i felt like i received a performance enhancement drug. For dinner, you bet i had another! It wasnt long after dinner and we called it a night. To this point over the last couple days i had worked 12 hours, traveled for 10, ran for 14 which totaled out to be 42 hours without sleep before getting 4 hours of much needed rest. Only to get back up and start the next morning with Perry. That morning tied it all together by allowing my dad to step in as the support driver for Perry and my safety while Angie took Becky to the airport. A quick 8 mile recovery run through downtown Indianapolis capped off an experience treasured. All that explanation to sum up my original answer: all of it. Not to be left out, Perry remained positive, witty, alert, and smiling every step. Perry you are an inspiration with great reason and cause. GoPerryGo! CHEERS!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 12:48:01 +0000

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