We warned this man to be careful. A man has left our house - TopicsExpress


We warned this man to be careful. A man has left our house after demonstrating a free energy device that appears to leave everything else for dead. It also charges a spare battery while the other one runs the system. It is virtually perpetual. We suggested make one big enough to power a home - and he is excited now about doing that. Naturally, the energy companies hear dont want to know him. Of course, thats nothing new. Thomas Edison had an energy device that could give abundant energy, virtually for free. And it probably cost him his life. His secret? Earth Energy He developed an energy device, that was able to harness the electricity contained in the earth. When the device was plugged into the ground, it could successfully harness the power contained within the ground. But just months after Edison discussed this device with the Big Energy executives, in hoping that they will pursue his idea, he was found dead. His death occurred under suspicious circumstances. Officially, he died of diabetes, but there are indications that a gruesome story lies behind his sudden death, and that it was connected to his revolutionary free energy invention. BUT REALLY NOT NEW After the world-wide disaster known as the Great Flood, the survivors gazed upon a world totally foreign to them. Gone was the enchanting, subtropic environment they knew. All the familiar landmarks had been swept away. Instead, barren wastes, bleak and sterile hills and unbearable extremes of cold and heat confronted them. Great mountain ranges — high, forbidding, rocky walls — had been thrust up, destined to isolate areas into harsh climatic pockets. The first generations were born and grew up in the foothills of Ararat. But in time their curiosity was to draw them out to stake new territories and to search for valuable resources. They soon found a world reduced considerably in land area. The fertility of the soil and the natural resources necessary to human progress were now unequally distributed. One resource was of particular concern. Antedeluvian scientists had unlocked a secret. They had discovered our spinning planet to be a giant generator, its land masses crisscrossed with energy lines. These magnetic currents they had harnessed. But now all trace of the power network was gone. OBJECT OF THE GLOBAL SURVEY Within centuries the rapidly increasing population sent out exploratory expeditions. Soon almost every corner of the world was visited by a group of men who came with a particular task to accomplish. They were charged with relocating those energy springs and constructing a grid pattern to harness them. Today we might have called it – one imagines – Operation Spider Web, or some such thing. To facilitate this, they employed units of measurement based on simple fractions of the earth’s dimensions. They measured distances in degrees, minutes and seconds of latitude and longitude, just as we do today. 2 Soon a prehistoric network of dead-straight alignments appeared. It seems to have sprung up everywhere at once. Planning took place on an almost unimaginably large scale. Along these lines, (situated at terrestrial power points) arose temples, pillars, rocking stones, circles, crosses, mounds, pyramids, tunnels and platforms. Traces of these are dotted still throughout the world. You see them on every continent and even on remote islands. 3 Sites had an exact geometric relationship to each other within a master worldwide pattern. For example, all ancient temples in Greece arose in relation to each other. Those in Greece were geometrically interlocked with those in Egypt. Planetwide, the system constituted ONE GIANT SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT. Today we all live within the ruins of this single vast ancient structure, whose sheer size has so far rendered it invisible. This great scientific instrument sprawled over the entire surface of the globe is marked by these megaliths of all types, all aligned in a single geometric pattern—the remains of an ancient power network. In order for it to operate, many sites were aligned to favor certain astronomical phenomena. The planners were conversant with the introduction of solar or atmospheric energy into the terrestrial energy streams. They developed a technology to detect earth currents, and then to manipulate them to a predictable result. Thus, all over the world, thousands upon thousands of pillars (called menhirs) arose in symmetrical formation, their purpose to realign earth magnetism from its natural meandering paths to straight artificial lines. At each pillar, the electric current of the atmosphere was attracted to combine with the terrestrial current to produce a fusion of power. (A secret we have not yet utilized.) Interestingly, the standing stones were all rich in quartz, a crystal similar to that used with the cat’s whiskers in early radio receivers. It has been suggested that megaliths were connected below ground by metal strips, although there is no conclusive proof for this position. Because the standing stones worked as cathodes, the corrosive current over the millennia would have most certainly dissolved the metal, leaving the grooves into which they were set. Such grooves are found below ground level in, for example, the Breton menhirs of France. That these grooves had some such functional purpose is a distinct possibility. And something else. Researchers have detected an energy rising in spiral form from standing stones, gathering magnetic strength toward the top of the stone. Interestingly, photographs of the stones are sometimes marred by a mist of light surrounding their lower extremities. The crucial factor was that from natural energy springs in the earth, the currents were ultimately directed to mounds—which focalized the energy fields. There is overwhelming evidence for the reality of these forces, only rediscovered in modern times by Wilhelm Reich. He described how this energy could be trapped or accumulated by constructing a chamber lined with inorganic material and covered on the outside with alternate layers of organic and inorganic matter. Is it not startling, then, to find that almost every ancient site has at least one such buried chamber—purposely lined with the same alternating layers! Often foreign stones and clay were used, selected for various magnetic properties. These submerged chambers were energy accumulators. Finally, from these mounds, the currents were dissipated to the surrounding countryside. A spiral force has been sensed around ancient standing stones. This is derived from their positions above the crossing of earths magnetic currents immediately underneath. Not only did standing stones, mounds and pyramids focus energy fields. Across the whole world, the structures formed a gigantic power network. This provided the population with a source of energy and inspiration to which their whole civilization was tuned. EARLY USES OF THE POWER NETWORK It appears that a major effect of the energy lines was to increase soil fertility and plant growth. Fertility stones are no myth. (The phallic symbolism which later developed was a degenerative response to an earlier scientific truth.) Modern experiments have shown that cosmic influences do affect magnetic currents at the earth’s surface and that at certain seasons rocks become charged with energy which they release into the soil, stimulating seed germination and vegetable growth. Lightning flashes also are known to affect the nitrates of the earth, ensuring fertility. Green tomatoes placed within a magnetic field have been shown to ripen four to six times faster; seeds placed in a current grew many times faster. Something new here? The energy lines were also harnessed for propulsion and transport, if we are to believe Druid reports. When a line became animated by a sunrise directly down a path, the currents were purposely directed so as to charge an object to such a degree that it could be levitated and made to travel. British flying vehicles so energized arc said to have flown to Greece. Of course, an eclipse intervening could lead to disaster, by causing a sudden drop in the power of magnetic activity. This would shut down all of the society’s machinery, an event comparable to modern-day electrical blackouts. Thus, only by a constant computation of solar, lunar and planetary movements could the waxing and waning of the currents be measured and anticipated. Here lies the answer to a riddle. We’ve long wondered why ancient astronomers seemed so obsesse — almost insanely so—by the need to predict eclipses with absolute certainty. Now you know. Another use of the network was power production and communication. A word here on pyramids. The pyramid shape is known to accumulate and may even generate energy—provided that specific proportions and exact alignments are followed. So somebody’s told you that pyramids were tombs! In general, pyramids were not built as tombs (more on that later). Significantly, they were part of the worldwide network. For starters, eighty-five survive in Egypt; at least four in France (one radioactive); hundreds along coastal Peru; thousands in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras; while still more survive in China, Tibet, Southern Russia, the Sudan, Brazil, Hawaii, Tahiti, the Marianas, Caroline Islands, Marquesas islands and Bermuda (submerged); as well as stone step-pyramids in Florida and pyramid-like temples in Southern India. Now, that’s some list. And there is evidence, quite considerable evidence, that the pyramids focused energy fields; that is, they produced power. Additionally, healing probably resulted from this energy system. It has been observed that animals born over springs of favorable energy are always healthier than those born elsewhere. A connection has been noticed between the incidence of ailments such as cancer and the location of dwellings over lines of earth current that have become sour. Such black streams have been purified successfully by driving metal stakes into the earth above the cause. The effect, it seems, is to allow atmospheric forces to enter the flow of the earth current. LATER USES We know that the Chinese sited every building, stone, and planted tree to conform to the dragon currents that flowed along the lines. The Incas utilized similar spirit lines with the Sun Temple at Cuzco as their hub. The Romans built their famous straight roads along these already existing lines. North African Bedouins use the line system marked out by standing stones and cairns to aid their crossing of today’s desert wastes. The Australian aborigines still use the prehistoric line system. At certain times of the year these turingas (lines) become revitalized, they say, by energies flowing through them, giving new life to the adjacent countryside. The natives paint the story on rocks, but claim it is not the pictures but the rocks themselves that release energy to fertilize plants and animals. The aborigines actually receive messages over vast distances and are forewarned of the approach of strangers—all through their system of magic lines. It’s a residual legacy, you see, from a former global science. THE BABEL CONNECTION By its very nature, this network required that all terrestrial surface currents be accounted for, if it were to operate to its full potential. Thus the stone monuments were strewn across the world, located on the crossings of the ley lines. This implies that a single authority was directing a united world effort. Perhaps the infamous Tower of Babel was the receiving station for earth’s ley line currents. At any rate, it was constructed as the result of together lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. The tower was a center of world communications, as well as of energy accumulation. The city of Babel (the inspiration for later Babylon) was a political center for world government. By possessing such a global energy center, Babel effectively controlled the world. Old chronicles record that Nimrod, the egotistic founder of Babel, grew more and more wicked and mad until he thought in his heart that he was himself God. The arrogance of Babel became a scandal. Then something happened — something significant enough to mark a break in world conditions and to bring the line system to an end. Today we are left with but shadows and remnants of the former universal system. Thanks to archaeological discoveries, much of what was classed as myth in the biblical account of the rise of nations is now being found true. It is becoming increasingly tenable to regard its stories as not religious fantasy but rather apt reporting of phenomena that actually occurred. The story of a former global unity which was broken into factions is now seen as real. It might be said that the sudden breakup of the totalitarian world government was the catalyst. In the events which followed, most continents and island groups were to become so isolated, they would all but forget each other’s existence. Although the secrets of our ancestors - yours and mine - have been well hidden from us, surely it is time to shake off the dust and discover our glorious past. Would you like to nvestigate further? Heres where you can go: beforeus beforeus
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:18:31 +0000

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