We warned you that an Obama Presidency would be second coming of - TopicsExpress


We warned you that an Obama Presidency would be second coming of the Carter years. A generation ago we were told we had a Crisis of Confidence. The world was much the way it is today, crisis everywhere, a government unable to do anything, malaise, stagnant economy, high energy prices.. no end in sight. A few short years after this, it turned around because we got a President who understood how economies and freedom worked. The young people of today were indoctrinated by a public school system that promotes government as a solution. Our college professors promote this propaganda, most with no real world experience. We have turned out a generation of voters who had no idea what they were voting for. They have been told their whole life that government can solve all their problems. Both political parties have become enamoured with power and control. We the American People have lost sight of who we are as people, The American People have been robbed of a chance at a great President by virtue of wide spread corruption and voter fraud. We are told things are better but we cannot feel it... we are being lied to. Ronald Reagan told us government is not the solution, government is the problem. Today we are more regulated than ever. If you show me a nation who has a stagnant economy and I will show you a nation that has a managed economy. Central planners never succeed. It is fundamentally impossible to manage an economy and have it grow. Treat a nations wealth as finite and it will become finite. We are in a crisis of leadership from both political parties. We have a media who is corrupt and not interested in looking out for the American people. In the information age we are still the most uniformed people in history. We have a government drunk with power, like a drug addict believes his next fix will solve everything, this government believes it needs more control, not less. It is the most intrusive government in the history of this republic. Maybe, just maybe the real world experience of what too much government can do to a nation will cut through the life long indoctrination and the younger voters of today will learn a hard lesson about falling for this nonsense again. We must understand what our political leaders are about before we fall for the next Hope and Change candidate.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 23:46:25 +0000

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