We were about 13 hours into our 15 hour drive when we got the - TopicsExpress


We were about 13 hours into our 15 hour drive when we got the call....a plane had crashed at VIR. For the next 15 minutes we drove talking thinking this can not be good, then we got the call saying it was Jon....then another. We quickly called a racer who had witnessed the crash, confirmation. ..it was Jon.....then the worst news of all.....his mother was with him. We drove on in stunned silence; after 30 minutes someone brings up that the FAA still needs to investigate and they may shut down the event. At this point we had no choice but to continue to the track and see what was next. 30 minutes before we arrived we got the word the track was open and we were going to be allowed in. At this time a racer contacts us with a picture from their villa of the crash site. We know the location and realize we would be able see it as we entered the track. We arrived after dark; to see the site lit up under bright lights was surreal, almost like it was staged. We drove by slowly looking. ....not believing, silent. As we were unloading I walked the paddock, in dimly lit pits you heard muffled talk, did you hear there was a plane crash here today? After hearing this a few times I stopped and walked into one of the pits; his name was Jon Couch and the passenger was his mother. They were two of the nicest people you would ever meet, they were good people who loved life and loved our sport. If you are religious and pray....please say a prayer for them We then spoke a little about the track and what might or might not happen the next day.....I said goodnight and left. I think that was the moment it became real to me, we had lost a good man and his even greater mother, not just a man I knew and respected, but the best friend to one of my dear friends. At that moment I felt lost. With the hard work and understanding of the FAA and the CCS the weekend proceeded and through the effort of everyone the races got off and back on track. Racers race, Jon would want it that way.....all these things were being said; I smiled to myself and went about my weekend still thinking of my friend wondering how he was doing. After the Team Challenge an announcement came that Scott Harwell was going to do a lap of honor on Jons bike. I ran down to pit lane to see him ride off. As I waited to see him come around the crowd grew, all waiting to see and pay their respects. The moment was special and heartfelt, everyone honoring Jon in their own way. Some cried, some clapped quietly out of respect, others just lowered their heads. When it was over I saw Scott ride to the pits, I ran after him. I found him in the trailer sitting, still in his leathers, helmet on, gloves removed with each hand holding the other.....staring ahead. I was not even sure he knew I was there, so I grabbed his hands and tried to say something, all I could say was Im sorry, I’m sorry. Tears filling my eyes as I looked into his. My friends eyes looked like those of a child, lost, afraid, not knowing what to do next. My heart broke, seeing all his pain and loss overwhelmed me, I could not hold back the tears anymore. I stayed a few moments longer holding his hands as they trembled slightly, I told him goodbye and if there was anything I could do just ask. I then left. As I walked away I wiped tears from my eyes and remembered something my father had told me once, a true measure of a man is told by the friends he keeps. As these words from the man I respected most in my life ran through my head I stopped, everything seemed a little clearer now. This is who Jon and his mother were, truly great people who were loved by other great people, they were one of the good ones, people who loved others and others loved them back. Fighting back the urge to go back and try and speak with Scott again I walked back to my pits and sat down. I sat there hoping my friend would someday be able to find peace, I hoped the entire TOBC friends, family, and crew would also come to peace as well. I wiped my tears away, smiled to myself feeling a little better and sad at the same time. These people will help each other, support each other, they will remain strong and find their way, and I also came to understand the world will also be a lesser place with their loss.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:57:26 +0000

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