We were once on the endangered list. About 70,000 years ago a - TopicsExpress


We were once on the endangered list. About 70,000 years ago a huge explosion of the Toba volcano filled the atmosphere with ash, causing the same effect as a nuclear winter. The rapid freezing killed off most humans… leaving less that 10,000 couples on the entire planet. Intelligence and communication were suddenly paramount for the survival of the entire human race. New tools and survival techniques were desperately needed. And unlike the previous, gradual changes which spanned over many generations, we now had NO time to adapt. We needed immediate solutions for finding food and shelter. A quick wit meant you lived. After our near-miss extinction, we arose distinctively more intelligent. Its no coincidence that the oldest abstract art dates back to … 70,000 years ago. Of course, it would still be thousands of years until we started making fine tools, bartering, playing games and music, wearing makeup, and carving really cool sculptures. And even longer until we started writing hieroglyphs, tracking the stars, and brewing beer. But we were on our way. A newer and craftier bunch of folks than ever before. It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. In this case it came as a calamity of nature. And as we all know, nature can be a real mother…
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 09:09:03 +0000

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