We were out and about this past Saturday just on a drive to - TopicsExpress


We were out and about this past Saturday just on a drive to wherever. We happened by WRV school for the craft show and bought a couple items from our son-in-law and loaded up and chugged on down south on 57. As we made our way into Elnora I couldnt help but look to my left (as I always do) seeing the cemetery on the hill. It always reminds me of my friend Shane Steele. For a moment the grief of missing him moved within my spirit. He wasnt my best friend, nor I his. He was a nice friend kid I met back in 7th grade. But I have never forgotten the brief time he touched our lives, and I still miss his humor. As we approached the mid point of passing through town I couldnt resist the temptation to make a lap down main street. Main aint much, but it is the brevity of it that captures the essence of small towns. There are no gigantic parking lots of big box stores in a small town, just the quiet beauty of community that people who live in these small towns love. (DISCLAIMER: most kids growing up in these towns dont love them as much cause theres little to do. It isnt till later that they see the real beauty and value that was special about them. Personally I loved it growing up). My wife must think Im nuts when I pass through the towns I romped in, cause Im usually pretty quiet, soaking up the memories. Leaving Elnora behind in the mirror we set our compass to Plainville, another place near and dear to a native Odon boy. Like Elnora, you wont find stop lights or fancy shops and museums. Just peaceful landscape of bustling years gone by. In less time than it took to sing God Bless America we were exiting onward towards Washington. Now main street in Washington was the big town for me growing up. It stands in stark contrast to the bustle on a Saturday when I was growing up nowadays. We had no trouble parking or meandering down the street toward the White Steamer. The Steamer hasnt made it into the 21st century yet as the sign indicated cash or check only. Made that pesky little debit card of mine a bit lonely. But before we could enter I noticed something going on just down the street about a block so we strolled down to see what was going on before eating. On the front steps of the local VFW post they were having a service honoring our POW/MIA. It was a simple yet moving service and I thank them for doing it as it is a topic near and dear to my heart. Our local VFW and American Legion posts do a great job of remembering and honoring our Vets. They arent flashy places, but do wonderful community service. They arent just a watering hole for ex military to just go knock back a cold one, although upon entering one youll probably find a few folks doing just such. Ive knocked back a few in my day. Afterward we ate that lunch at the White Steamer (in fact I ate my wifes loaded cheeseburger....er...um....by mistake that is). A stop later in town and we were off for a relaxed drive on 50 to Bedford. Montgomery, Loogootee, Shoals all gave me assurance they still existed much the same as I remembered them. I realized these towns are all a part of me. I shall never lose the love of them for they are the fabric of who I am today. We made our purchases at Apple Acres and loaded up for home. Not a fancy, fast paced Saturday, but one shared in peaceful contemplation with the one I love. I cant handle fast paced anymore so Ill take our casual road trip when we can by ourselves, we dont seem to get many. As we got back home we stopped at the Yoho store for an ice cream out on the front porch. The porch was good...the ice cream not so much (next time Ill just get soft serve). All in all a day Ill remember for quite some time. -Roy (jumping cursor errors suck)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:53:49 +0000

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